EXCLUSIVE: Jack Dixon on Being A Beloved Daddy & What’s Next For Him

Credit: The Erotiese Project (@erotiese on Instagram)

Jack Dixon is the epitome of the word dreamy. He’s become one of the most in demand porn stars over the past couple of years based on his smoldering good looks, well-equipped body and performance abilities that have left many (present company included) in awe of just how talented he really is.

There’s so much more to this beautiful fella than what we see on screen. Outside of the industry he considers himself to be just a normal guy with his head on straight that also has a passion for baking outside of other things hardening. 


In our exclusive interview we speak to Jack about why he entered the adult industry, his thoughts on being a desired daddy, what COVID has done to his career and what’s next for him as his public persona continues to grow. 

Credit: The Erotiese Project (@erotiese on Instagram)

What inspired you to want to enter the adult industry?

I’ve always considered myself a sex-worker/escort. I started doing that in the spring of 2017. At the time I owned a bakery in Atlanta and was personally coming up financially short with paying myself a living wage. I fell into sex work on a fluke when I was propositioned to be paid to have sex with someone. It was never a moral issue for me, I just needed the money. Come July of that year I was asked to do my first few scenes and it was another thing that I could do on the side and make money so I thought I’d give it a try. Porn was never on my radar prior to any of this, it just sort of happened. After learning I could use it as a marketing tool for escorting I have continued to do more but I never set out to be in porn.


You are referred to by many of your fans as primarily a daddy. Is this something you not only embrace but enjoy?

I don’t mind being a “daddy” in a sense as it works for now. I have the looks, the age and experience. My life is in order, I pay my bills and I’m successful at what I do. I guess the only thing that gives me pause about it is in my personal life. When I date someone I prefer them to be self-sufficient in their affairs. In the bedroom it’s more of what the chemistry is like with the person I’m with. I’m happy being more submissive in a sense for the guy which that dynamic just works. I don’t like to fall too much into a static category though, I feel people are dynamic as well as sexuality is, it evolves over time.

Credit: The Erotiese Project (@erotiese on Instagram)

A lot of guys with your look and build, like Rocco Steele and Dirk Caber, are more popular than ever. What do you attest to this growing amount of love? 


I think the gay community over the last 10-15 years has embraced a more masculine and mature look. When I was in my 20’s it was twinks, shaving and a lot of focus on being young and looking that way. There is still a certain amount of Peter Pans in the community (always chasing youth and maybe being somewhat age inappropriate) but our community is growing and maturing. I think HIV and AIDS in the 80’s & 90’s wiped out almost an entire generation. Whether consciously or sub-consciously it had an impact on our view of what was “attractive”. It’s finally ok to be middle aged in a sense. Plus I think some people have some daddy issues and think they will be taken care of if they have a partner who is older.

You also excel in the top and bottom departments on screen. Do you prefer one or the other or are you an equal opportunist?

In most of my relationships and in most of my life I’ve been a top. I had a boyfriend once in my mid 20’s who was afraid of my d**k and basically we wasn’t going to be in a relationship of us just jerking off together. I was more of a bottom in it until he got over his fear and that was the end of that. I typically prefer topping as bottoming is something that is more personal and intimate to me in a sense but I have my moments where I’m more into it for sure. In a relationship it’s more whatever dynamic that my partner feels in terms of us being natural and connected.

What do you think has been your biggest peak and pit in your career since COVID began?


Oh s**t well things have definitely slowed down! I had a handful of international travel plans this year for appearances that didn’t happen due to the pandemic. Things are slowly getting back on track. I guess the biggest peak is that from a career standpoint I realized I didn’t need to push so hard and things would be ok. I am a workaholic and in a sense try to prove my worth through what I do and how much I accomplished. However, I typically burn myself out and end up becoming overwhelmed by it all. It’s nice to keep a slower pace and appreciate some of the things in my personal life that makes life overall much fuller.

Credit: The Erotiese Project (@erotiese on Instagram)

Are you in a relationship in your personal life? If single what do you look for in another person?

I am recently single and it was a very hard breakup for me in many ways and still is but at any rate I look for connection ultimately. I like to feel special to someone as they are to me. I want someone who I can share myself with on a personal level and not feel judged or bad about my own personal unfounded thoughts and beliefs of myself that I can buy into. In a sense I’m very much a sensitive romantic despite my exterior looks.


You brought this up earlier about owning a bakery in Atlanta. Yum! What is your favorite treat to make and why?

So I specialized in breads and laminated doughs (croissants, danish, etc). That is some of my favorite baked goods to make. However, I’ve spent years tweaking and perfecting my scone and chocolate chip cookie recipes as well.

In conclusion what are you most hopeful for as your career continues to soar? 

I know I won’t do this forever, there will always be the next younger, hotter guy with a bigger d**k.  I just hope that when the next thing comes along I look back on this part of my life with a sense of pride and sense of fulfillment from it. Like I said none of this was ever on my radar, I’ve always worked more traditional jobs, but I find through hard work and dedication I’ve been able to accomplish things I never thought possible.

6 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Jack Dixon on Being A Beloved Daddy & What’s Next For Him”

  1. He is an amazing person and I am in awe of him. I read and listen to as much as I can to figure out what makes him click. He’s a real person with a story to tell. One day we will meet and i am looking forward to the day. Your number 1 admirer. Luke

  2. Jack and I became Twitter friends back when I owned an adult store in AZ. He is the real deal, a genuine guy. We would talk ink, baking, and dreams. He deserves all of the best things in life. Miss you Jack!

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  4. Jack Dixon is my favourite person and the look i like but guys like that dont go for guys like me. Wish he had a fan club or just a penpal page to correspond with him. I am from South Africa
    How old is Jack?


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