A vague, barely-there post on Medium (where just about anyone can post) by a supposed Michigan man accuses out White House hopeful, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, of sexual assault, but even Republicans aren’t buying the allegations.
In the post on Medium, Hunter Kelly tells the world he is 21-years-old and that he was assaulted by the candidate in February.
He writes that he “didn’t know who he was back in February, only that he told me he was an important politician.”
Kelly goes on to say he’s an openly gay man who’s “struggled” with being gay for “a number of years.”
He says he is coming forward even though “I will make a hard life even harder.”
He closes the brief post (barely a dozen lines) sharing he’s allegedly considered suicide and anticipates “years and years of counseling” ahead of him, and that he will share his “full story” in a vague “days and weeks” time frame.
Even Republicans aren’t buying the unsubstantiated allegations.
Gregory T. Angelo, former head of Log Cabin Republicans, tweeted, “Not a fan of Mayor Pete but this whole thing seems shady as hell. I certainly hope @Medium asked for and received proof/corroboration before running a story that has the potential to ruin a man’s life.”
Not a fan of Mayor Pete but this whole thing seems shady as hell.
I certainly hope @Medium asked for and received proof/corroboration before running a story that has the potential to ruin a man’s life. https://t.co/3EI0AyAFCW
— Gregory T. Angelo (@gregorytangelo) April 29, 2019
As several have noted, the Twitter account for Kelly was only created in the past couple of weeks.
What 21-year-old just created their Twitter account?
The account only follows about 27 Twitter users, and several are pro-Bernie Sanders accounts.
But, his Facebook page, which has a much longer history, shows Kelly to be a conservative and big Trump supporter.
Things that make you go hmmmm….

Until today, the account had barely tweeted three times.
This afternoon, the account posted this: “I’ve received hundreds of phone calls today from journalists doing dogged reporting. They’ve called my school, my friends, my family and people who barely know me. I’m now sorting through my messages to do an interview about my horrific experience. Please pray for me.”
One Twitter user responded saying, “You should pray for a good lawyer.”
Chad Felix Greene, a prominent out Republican told LGBTQ Nation, “I’m a sexual assault survivor and victims need to be heard. But it is wrong to falsely accuse someone by name.”
“This young man should be speaking with police and not writing headline-grabbing blogs and teasing details,” he added. “It just looks like a false claim.”
And gay conservative Brad Polumbo tweeted, “All accusations should be taken seriously, but @PeteButtigieg deserves the 100% benefit of the doubt until any misconduct accusation is fully vetted, substantiated, and corroborated.”
And others joined in:
idk who this hunter kelly guy is, but he scrubbed his social media, which is always a bad sign.
— HG Tomato 🍅 (@HGTomato) April 29, 2019
There are clearly many obvious questions:
Did he file a police report?
Why post the accusations and then take social media accounts private?
Why not post the full accusation now?
Or, put another way – Mayor Pete, welcome to the big leagues.
Hunter Kelly’s Medium account has been suspended as has his twitter so I would say that he is a liar.
Ahem, … It appears Mr. Jacob Wohl was earning his loser stripes again https://bit.ly/2W9wN7E
Official Libtard Policy (TM)
All victims deserve to be believed*
* unless they’re accusing a Democrat, in which case shut up
Official Conservaturd Policy (TM)
Miss the point entirely and complain about the flavor-of-the-month