Former-“Kyle XY”-Star-Turned-YouTuber Matt Dallas Talks Being Forced To Stay Closeted

Matt Dallas explains what being in the closet during ‘Kyle XY’ was like / Image via YouTube @mattandblue

Matt Dallas is sharing his experience of Hollywood’s harmful atmosphere around gay talent.


Before Dallas became a successful vlogger on YouTube, he was the lead actor of popular ABC Family show Kyle XY. The series from 2006 only lasted for three seasons, but the height of its popularity made Dallas a television star. Even if only for a moment.

But now Dallas, who’s married and a parent to an adopted son, shares that he was forced to stay in the closet by advisors in the entertainment business.

While doing a Q&A video with his husband Blue Hamilton, Dallas says that he was advised to stay closeted.

“I was told to stay in the closet, not talk about my sexuality, to be on every red carpet with a girl on my arm because you could not be successful if you were openly gay in the entertainment industry, at least in front of the camera.”


Dallas also shares how those lessons still affect how he thinks even today.

“Because of the advice that was given to me to stay in the closet, I became very disconnected from who I was, and there’s a lot of residual stuff that to this day that I still deal with where I find myself [thinking] ‘oh, I sound too gay’ or ‘I’m acting too gay’ because it was so drilled into my brain.”

Despite all of that, Dallas is trying to live his best life now. After Kyle XY ended, Dallas came out and got engaged to Hamilton in 2013. The two then adopted son Crow and created their family-friendly YouTube channel where they record, discuss, and enjoy their lives together.







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Ready to bake up a tasty Saturday morning treat

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2 thoughts on “Former-“Kyle XY”-Star-Turned-YouTuber Matt Dallas Talks Being Forced To Stay Closeted”

  1. how is this any different

    how is this any different then a person at a job that stays closeted to keep his job and work. is it wrong yes. this is hardly news.

    • To “new”: I belueve the point

      To "new": I belueve the point is that no matter where you work or how you live, we are still not allowed to just be who we are. At 60 yrs old, I must act straight in order to survive. this is wrong.


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