Gaga’s Dogwalker Kindly Asks For Support

Images via Instagram | @valleyofthedogs

Ryan Fischer, Lady Gaga’s Dogwalker, Asks Queer Community For Help While Recovering

One of the scariest stories this year was the awful Hollywood robbery and shooting of Ryan Fischer, now known publicly as Lady Gaga’s friend and dogwalker. You likely recall in February of 2021, Gaga’s French bulldogs were robbed from Fischer in Los Angeles. When Fischer dared to fight back, the robbers shot him in the chest, leaving him in critical condition while stealing two dogs. A camera from outside someone’s home recorded the crime and Fischer’s screams are still haunting to hear as he pleads for his life. Despite criticizing United States police in summer 2020, Gaga worked with the Los Angeles Police Department to rescue her animals and find the criminals who shot her friend. After posting a hefty half-a-million dollar reward for the safe return of her fur babies, Gaga got them back – after one of the criminals involved, Jennifer McBride, assumed she would get the reward for returning them. An investigation into the crime was called and eventually McBride, Harold White, and three documented gang members, Jaylin Keyshawn White (Harold White’s son), Lafayette Shon Whaley, and gunman James Howard Jackson were arrested and charged in the crime. White, Whaley, and Jackson were charged with attempted murder, conspiracy to commit robbery and second-degree robbery while McBride and White were charged with acting as accessories. Now, six months after the tragedy, Fischer is trying to move on with his life and is politely asking for your help to do so.


According to Entertainment Weekly, Fischer has decided to take a cross country journey in an RV to recover from the severe anxiety and trauma he is still experiencing from being the victim of this heinous crime. In an effort to stop staying overnight in parking lots, backroads, and desert campsites, he’s raised a GoFundMe for himself as he ventures to reclaiming his emotional and mental health. He is making this trip with intentions to visit retreat centers, trauma programs, queer healers, creatives and spiritual leaders. Currently as of this writing, he’s garnered a lump sum nearing $10K. For those of you asking yourselves why Gaga isn’t helping, she did pay for all of his medical expenses.

While obviously not fully recovered, Fischer seems to make attempts at regaining his confidence and resuming a normal life. He is now back to smiling on his social media as he explores the world. The tragedy he experienced was ruthless, and he isn’t a false victim like many others before him have claimed to be. Here’s to cheering Fischer on as he braves the next, and many, chapters in his life.

If you’d like to donate to Fischer’s GoFundMe and journey anew, head here.

Writer’s Note A: This is the opinion of one Instinct Magazine contributor and does not reflect the views of Instinct Magazine itself or fellow contributors.

Source: Harpers Bazaar, ConanDaily, Entertainment Weekly, The Sun

6 thoughts on “Gaga’s Dogwalker Kindly Asks For Support”

    • He should sue her for loss of wages and pain and suffering. What a cheap dumb bitch. I have never had a reason to dislike lady gaga but now I have no respect for the greedy cunt. If it werent for her stupid dogs he would be much better off.

  1. GaGa should have paid all of his medical bills. She is worth $350 million dollars so she needs to buy him a house and a car. She can write it off as charity anyway and that way he doesn’t have to bother us.

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  3. I can imagine he has a terrible amount of anxiety following what happened. Since I’m apart of the gay community I will help him out some (what I can)


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