Garrett Clayton Helps Us Remember The ’90s

I'm a kid of the '80s an the '90s.  Luckily all of that is coming back in style.  Some are even saying that cassette tapes are making a return.


What else might be coming back? Ben Giroux released a fun flash back video with Jensen Reed that sums up all the stuff we miss.  

The video starts off at a yard sale and questions from a possible purchaser of wares.  Begin the flash back!




We were a little shocked and happy to see Garrett Clayton (born March 1991) using his dancing skills and sexy face, buns, well, sexy everything to be a part of the boy band scenes. 

We loved the video Ben and Jensen! And Ben's so excited about what he and his group created, he states on his page:

How about we start tagging Ellen DeGeneres so we can perform this on her show live?

Best of luck with that!


But wait, how did Ben get Garrett to be in his video?

Another throwback video that was overly nostalgic was posted by Mid Collector.


Have the sound on for this one!

Time to go to the attic and pull out my original Transformers and Matchbox cars!



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