Gay Activist Jimmy LaSalvia: “Why I Left the GOP (And You Should Too)”

Political affiliation shouldn't be a hot topic for debate in LGBT land or is it?  I would say I'm more independent, which is a very common thing for a Mainer to be.  If I had to choose a major party, a Democrat I would be.  I lean a little toward the Republican side on some issues, but I don't think I would ever step over the elephant's side of the zoo.


A 2012 Gallup Report stated:

The combined measure, which takes into account leaned party identification, shows that 65% of LGBT Americans identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, while 21% identify with or lean toward the Republican, leaving 13% as "pure" independents who do not lean one way or the other. –

Have you changed your political affiliation since you came out, aged, or come to your senses? One of the most well known LGBT Republicans have changed sides of the aisle.

See what made LaSalvia decide to leave the Republican Party in the video below.





"There's a segment of the party that wants to keep the Republicans in the past," says longtime gay conservative activist, Jimmy LaSalvia, co-founder of the now-defunct gay Republican group GOProud and the author of the new book, No Hope: Why I Left the Republican Party (and You Should Too).

In a frank and revealing interview, LaSalvia spoke with Reason TV about how the GOP's failure to adapt to the country's fast-moving evolution on social issues led him to question his partisan loyalty and ultimately embrace political independence.

LaSalvia also discusses his close friendship with conservative yet gay-friendly firebrands Ann Coulter and Andrew Breitbart, the surprising details of his meetings with Fox News executives, and why he couldn't bring himself to vote for Mitt Romney even after campaigning vigorously for him. –


Do you have some friends that may learn from watching this video? 

Is it okay to be LGBT and a Republican?  Of course it is!


4 thoughts on “Gay Activist Jimmy LaSalvia: “Why I Left the GOP (And You Should Too)””

  1. Having friends who are gay is

    Having friends who are gay is not the same as being "gay friendly." I'd like to be shown real evidence that Ann Coulter is "gay friendly."

  2. Yes, it was OK to be a

    Yes, it was OK to be a republican, say 5-10 years ago because let's face it, democrat politicians were not all that crazy about gays back then.  I mean, Hillary is still stumbling around the issue even today.  Also, as gays in California found out the black and Latino communities are not overwhelmingly gay friendly.  Many republicans are economic conservatives and socially liberal and that was OK.  Also, there were a lot of gay friendly GOP lawyers who contributed to the gay marriage fight.  BUT, the GOP has taken such a turn to the nutty side recently with the Religicons taking over the party that gays should leave the GOP as soon as possible.  I have been actively discriminated against by both republicans and democrats for being gay (GOP), gay in the military (GOP), for being a veteran (democrats), for being formerly GOP (democrats), and for being a federal worker (GOP).  Everybody seems to have an opinion on how I am living my life wrong.

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