Gay Air Force Student Attends Graduation In Dress & Heels To Symbolize His Years Of Bullying

Most of us have been bullied at one point or another in our life.  It seems like it is a rite of passage to be a human being these days. 


How we respond to bullying differs greatly.  Here's an instance out of Brazil that is gaining attention.

Talles de Oliveira Faria, decided to bring attention to the bullying he received while at the Aeronautic Technology Institute of the Air Force of Brazil by accepting his degree in a dress and heels.






‘Since childhood they teach us that being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transsexual is a shame and then we take a lot of time to heal those injuries.

‘They insulted me, they laughed at me and tried to make me invisible.’

Talles claimed that during his time at the school, one lecturer even sneered at him and said: ‘There are no sad electrons, there are no electrons with psychological problems, there are no gay electrons.’

He claims one military man told him: ‘If I were you I’d kill myself.’

The 24-year-old added: ‘Homophobia is shown through invisibility, jokes and the expulsion of those who wanted to show their sexual condition.

‘When I arrived at the institute I decided that it was enough. Either you accept me as I am or you would be exposed for what you really are.’ –



Do you think he pulled it off smashingly?

If anything, Talles has drawn attention to himself and the bullying issue at his school.  It got people talking and hopefully addressing the issue that may not have been known by staff and administration.

Bravo Talles.  We couldn't have done it better. And we know we couldn't have pulled if off in those amazing heels.




6 thoughts on “Gay Air Force Student Attends Graduation In Dress & Heels To Symbolize His Years Of Bullying”

  1. It seems to be always the

    It seems to be always the case that you find strong homophobia in the military but you also find a lot of homoeroticism among them too. Who hasn't heard stories or seen when guys cannot contain their passion for each other in the military?

    Someone in the very distant past said that the best male soldiers are those who love each other.

    • I basically wanted to say

      I basically wanted to say sexual repression many times comes out in the form of bullying. Always doubt the hypermasculine hyperheterosexual bully.

  2. Not so sure I like the idea

    Not so sure I like the idea of the dress: we are gay, we are not cross-dressers. I think I would have preferred him wearing a rainbow-colored graduation gown. 

  3. He was pretty. I used to be

    He was pretty. I used to be bullied before back when I was in my elementary years because of my sexuality, and I guess that's what made me a bully in high school. I regret those years that I made every person I touch broke into tears and go home bruised and wounded. Been an ass thats why I changed myself. Learn to fight back as long as you are on the right side. 

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