Gay Couple Adopts Six Siblings

Here’s a story so heartwarming that it is making its rounds almost three years later.

Pennsylvania couple Steve and Rob Anderson-McLean have been together for over 18 years. The two got married in Maryland in 2013 and have raised two children, Parker, 25, and Noah, 21, from a previous marriage. When their children grew up, they felt the need to adopt to continue growing their family.

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Facebook | Steve Anderson-McLean

When they began the adoption search, they realized that siblings often get split up. Their search found them before six siblings that had endured abuse and had been in  the foster care system for nearly five years, approximately 1,640 days. Parental rights for the children were terminated in 2017.

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Facebook | Steve Anderson-McLean

In June 2018, Steve and Rob matched with the kids and a month later the kids moved in. The couple told TODAY that after a week, the kids were asking if they could stay forever.

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Facebook | Steve Anderson-McLean

On May 23, 2019, Steve and Rob finally adopted the six siblings, which included Carlos, 14; Guadalupe, 13; Maria, 12; Selena, 10; Nasa, 9; and Max, 7.

Watch the story that is circulating almost three years later:

A couple of years later, the family looks happy as can be.

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Facebook | Steve Anderson-McLean

6 thoughts on “Gay Couple Adopts Six Siblings”

  1. How can anyone see a story like this and still go yeah but the gays shouldn’t be married and adopting children

    I know the attitude of the world is changing but it’s not quite there yet

  2. There are good people, and then there are OUTSTANDING people. These two guys deserve a little”R & R” after raising their own children and devoting themselves to a career, and do they take that rest (like the rest of us do)? NO, they go and adopt SIX siblings so they won’t separate a family. That many kids would be more than a handful even if they were young and energetic and just starting their relationship. These guys are the best of the best.

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  4. Congratulations to this wonderful family. My husband and I know too well the joy of adoption as we have adopted 11 kids. 3 groups of siblings. Not counting our 6 biological kids from previous marriages.


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