George Michael’s Ex Smashed His £5m Mansion

Screenshot via YouTube @GeorgeMichael

George Michael’s ex-boyfriend has been arrested for smashing up the late pop star’s £5m London mansion.

According to MET police, Fadi Fawaz went crazy at the deceased singer’s former establishment on Tuesday night. The authorities were alerted once neighbors saw a topless Fawaz, 46, standing on the roof. They also heard loud smashing noises and saw water pouring out of the front door.


Said one neighbor to The Sun, “The damage inside the house is really bad. I’ve never seen anything like it. Every fixture and fitting, every door and window, everything George left in there – it’s all completely destroyed. Even the toilets and sinks have been smashed. There’s major damage to the walls and even the ceilings.”

“This can’t have happened in just one night, he must have been systematically smashing the place up for a long time. It’s such a shame because George loved that place and it used to be so beautiful.”

After the police arrive, Fadi Fawaz was arrested on suspicion of aggravated criminal damage.


Fawaz has been living in the house since Michael died in 2016. Michael’s family have been fighting with Fadi Fawaz to get him to leave the house, but he refused to do so. He even went so far as to say that he would only leave “in a box.”

In addition, it was revealed last year that Fawaz was given nothing by George Michael in his will. Probably for the best seeing as how Fawaz treated the mansion.

“I don’t know if he’s on something but he’s lost his head,” said the neighbor.

A Met Police spokesman described the damage to the property as “extensive.”

4 thoughts on “George Michael’s Ex Smashed His £5m Mansion”

  1. They weren’t married. He had no right to anything and maybe if he hadn’t acted in such a terrible way especially when George died the family might have been kind to him. Karmas a bitch Fadi!

  2. Wow 😮 George Michael leaving his husband nothing is really dirty dirty below the belt. I wonder if he left his valuables to the female heterosexual hoes he admitted to banging.

    • Not everyone prepares for dying by updating will’s in a timely manner. We don’t know how GM felt about leaving anything to his spouse. When was the existing will written? Why wasn’t it amended when he got married? We just don’t know. Maybe try not being so quick to judge people. Nobody likes to think about dying and many people die without a will entirely. Who’s to say why?


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