German Authorities Search For Mystery Naked Motorcyclist

Updated Thursday 4:53 p.m. (EST)


The video, which was available on youtube earlier today has since been taken down due to a violation of their policy on nudity and sexuality. However, the video is available here! Enjoy!


It's a bird … it's a plane … nope, it's just a ridiculously hot naked dude riding his motorcycle around the streets of Germany. Did we mention naked (and by the looks of it, cold)? We're not mad in the least,  but it looks like the German police are. 

According to a report by Gawker:


German authorities are searching for a naked motorcyclist who went for a ride through Münster wearing nothing but a helmet and gloves.

The stunt appears to have originated on Facebook, where the man — posting under the handle "Ballerboyz" offered to ride naked through the town's Christmas market if 1,000 people liked his post.

Which he did, earlier this month.

Now, police say they are "attempting to identify the rider for potential charges."

Adding insult to injury, German officials are calling it a "petty offense." (Don't they know it's cold in Germany?)

At least one onlooker appreciated the ballsy move — "It was not unappetizing to watch," Birgit Weusthoff-Schulze told the Westfälische Nachrichten.


Talk about ridin' dirty! Are you in support of the naked motorcyclist, Instincters, or should the police shut him down?


Image and Video Source. (h/t:

15 thoughts on “German Authorities Search For Mystery Naked Motorcyclist”

  1. Back in the 1970’s ‘streaking

    Back in the 1970's 'streaking' was very popular – and it was an offense.  However, I think in the grand scheme of things – we should be applauding the guts to cycle nude in the winter.  And with so many other crimes that are violent in nature – certainly time spent to prevent or to solve those crimes would be time better spent.

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  3. Why cant the german police

    Why cant the german police let it go. It is  "festive Gesture" no one got hurt. Instead of chasing people that enjoy life "CHASE THE REAL CRIMINALS" that harm people.

    He can Ride round where I Live NAKED, ANYTIME

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  5. Beautiful. No harm done. He
    Beautiful. No harm done. He looks good. I agree with previous comments. I love ride with him. 🙂 Naked to….

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  7. Good for him! He isn’t

    Good for him! He isn't hurting anybody and at least he wore a safety helmet! People who are offended by nudity are ridiculous. There are so many other things to be offended about. Like dolphins. . . .Thinking they're so smug. 😉 But seriously, this guy is awesome.

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  9. He’s not harming anyone.  Let

    He's not harming anyone.  Let it be what it is…riding in what you were born in.  I say BRAVO!! (unless you are Prudence McPrude…from Prudeyville, in which I say to you GET A LIFE!!!)


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