Gus Kenworthy Carries The Day In New Video From ‘Matt & Dan’

Daniel Vincent Gordh and Matt Wilkas are looking to raise funds for the second season of their gay comedy sketch web series, Matt & Dan.

And they didn’t hesitate to bring in one of the big guns in their arsenal, Matt’s woofy boyfriend, Olympic silver medalist, Gus Kenworthy, to help kick off the fund raising.


In this promo video for Matt & Dan’s crowdfunding campaign (located here), Gus shows he’s more than up to the task of carrying his part in sketch comedy.

In case you haven’t been following the duo’s web series, Matt and Dan show no fear in approaching just about any subject with a gay comedic sensibility.

Think somewhere along the lines of SNL for the gays.

The boys have whipped up a shopping network parody to show off exactly what you’ll get if they can raise the dough for season 2.


Watch the promo below.



Here’s one of the highlights of the first season of Matt & Dan – an episode “Sex Notes.”



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