Guys find out what Victoria’s Secret really is

Usually when I get of hint of a guy that likes to wear women’s clothing, especially undies, I dart in the other direction.  When those profile images pop up on *pick-a-hook-up-site*, it gets the immediate block.  Hey, that’s me and that’s how I don’t roll.

When I saw this BuzzFeed video, I could not stop watching it.  The men tried on bikinis, boyshorts, and thongs.  See the video, over and over again like i did, here.







One participant stated “this is why girls are always picking it out of things” and the boyshorts caused a “reverse muffin top.”

Before trying on a thong, another stated “this is going to completely disappear inside of me.”






I think the overall verdict was that some were very comfortable, while others were not made for a man’s bits and pieces.  Kudos to these guys finding out what the secret of women’s undies truly is.  Wait.  What was it?  Guess I will have to watch it again.

3 thoughts on “Guys find out what Victoria’s Secret really is”

  1. Lame, they were hiding behind

    Lame, they were hiding behind a curtain and were not even shirtless. I couldn't care less about their commentary, I wanted to see how the undies fit them. 


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