The war on the queer community in this country continues. The corrupt, fascist GOP is dead set on turning back the clock and taking away all of our hard-earned rights. Thirty-three Republicans, led by scumbag Louisiana representative Mike Johnson, have sponsored the Stop the Sexualization of Children (WTF does that even mean) bill. Lawmakers have pointed out that this bill is more restrictive, more hateful, and much worse than Florida’s current Dont Say Gay bill.
According to NPR,
“It would prohibit federal funds from being used to support any “sexually-oriented” programs, events, and literature for children under 10; ban federal facilities from hosting or promoting such events or literature; and allow parents and guardians to sue government officials, agencies and private entities if a child under 10 is “exposed” to such materials.”
A federal “dont say gay bill”. Unbelievable.
Our kids – ALL of our kids – are on the ballot on a couple weeks.
This kind of intolerance has NO place in our world. https://t.co/rk83ME6TTl
— hello, is it me you’re looking for?
(@OverFakeOutrage) October 19, 2022
Related: ‘Don’t Say Gay’ takes effect, educators are told to take all rainbows down
With days until the midterm election, it is imperative that every gay, lesbian, trans, and bisexual person votes and votes blue. Our very existence depends on it. This is not exaggeration or hyperbole. Republicans have not been silent or shy about their plans if the apocalypse happens and they gain control of the House and the Senate. The tiny bright spot here, if you can call it that, is that this bill has virtually no chance of passing. However Alexandra Carabello, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School, tweeted,
“This is their end game.”
Carabello continued to explain that, “Universities, public schools, hospitals, medical clinics, etc. could all be defunded if they host any event discussing LGBTQ people and children could be present. This is the American version of Russia’s gay propaganda law passed in 2013.” The language in the bill is deliberately unclear to cause maximum hurt and maximum effectiveness. The passing of this bill would erase all mention of anything gay in public institutions. Representative Johnson is aiming to label all queer books, movies, and works of art “sexually orientated.” We are certain a love story between two straight teenagers would be fine under this new law. THAT’S FUCKING BULLSHIT.
LGBTQ Groups And Families Sue Florida Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law: Several LGBTQ advocacy groups and families on Thursday filed a joint federal lawsuit against Florida over the state’s https://t.co/3YOl01trI5 #News #Dont #families pic.twitter.com/ZV6cwDQOKi
— V N C N T (@rvhub) March 31, 2022
Make no mistake there is a culture war in this country and we are under attack. It is time to fight fire with even more fucking fire. Get angry, get fired up, educate your friends and family and tell them what is at stake. Drag Queen story hour is mentioned in the bill, because you know that is much more dangerous than say an 18-year-old with an AR-15 walking into a Texas elementary school and massacring 19 children and two teachers. What the fuck kind of world are we living in when guns are deemed safer than a man in a wig reading to children?
As previously reported by Truth Out, “restricting federal funds from programs that discuss LGBTQ issues would reduce children’s ability to see aspects of themselves represented in institutions that receive federal funds.” Stop coming after queer kids!
Rep. Mike Johnson just introduced a national version of Don’t Say Gay.
Don’t let anyone fool you, this will be Kevin McCarthy’s first priority if he becomes Speaker.
We cannot let that happen. pic.twitter.com/6t9Na8F3Nx
— Voters of Tomorrow (@VotersTomorrow) October 19, 2022
Mike Johnson should be regarded as a terrorist and enemy of democracy for even thinking of introducing this. https://t.co/zfddKsby2Y
— Ms. Jayde Willow (blue hair and pronouns arc) (@MsJaydeWillow) October 18, 2022
Mike Johnson, La Republican and cuddly “fascist for the masses” has introduced his very own DON’T SAY GAY bill, nationalizing DeSantis’s signature law of repression, hate and censorship, promoting his Christian Nationalist ideals.
If this bothers you, vote Blue. pic.twitter.com/gWh2vIeC5d— JHC (@earthtoreform) October 21, 2022
How long until Mike Johnson is found to possess child porn? pic.twitter.com/gmhtMaL5Mg
— Spooky Soul-eater Seth
(@SethAGinger) October 20, 2022
{**This post is solely the opinion of this contributing writer and may not reflect the opinion of other writers, staff, or owners of Instinct Magazine.”}