Stella Parton, singer/songwriter and younger sister of country music superstar Dolly Parton, has released a new album of dance remixes to some of her past hits from the 60s and 70s as well as a few new tracks.
Parton says about the album:
"The concept for this CD came from a suggestion to remix some of my previous songs into dance mixes. I thought that would be fun and after listening to the first remix, I said it is like we are resurrecting my songs. That is where the name "Resurrection" came from and I am proud to have written eight of the ten songs. I threw in three new songs that have never been recorded and I hope you like them."
Preview Parton's new album "Resurrection" here, listen to her current single 'Trouble on the Line' below and tell us, heart it or hate it?
Images couresty of Stella Parton and
Will you buy Stella Parton's new album, Instincters?
i like it, i hope she does
i like it, i hope she does more . donny
It is not good. Stella you
It is not good. Stella you can do so much better. Please this is not.
I love this. I got the whole
I love this. I got the whole album and really like it. It has opened my eyes to so much more of her work. Very talented.
I am listening to the cd now!
I am listening to the cd now! I is awesome and to re make original music to this? Talent and being creative! It is fun!!!!!
Dang so much for heart it Or
Dang so much for heart it Or hate it! Let's write a book!
Stella reads these comments
Stella reads these comments and i am sure she wants to hear all opinions, long or short.
So, maybe I was sarcastic! I
So, maybe I was sarcastic! I just feel it is about the music, opinions taken out of context! After all? I voiced mine. I heart the cd!!!
The Legs remixes she released a couple years ago were pretty good, but this is kinda… blah. I don't like the echo voice, and the song doesnt match really with the music. I have never heard this song before (Unless its the same Trouble On The Line that Loretta Lynn did on her last album, but I don't think it is) but it seems like this song could have been better, if it had a different sort of melody.
I admit, I am a pretty big fan of Stella's, as well as Dolly's (and don't you dare tell me I'm not a TRUE DOLLY FAN because I will bite your head off over it) but if this song is an indication of how the entire album is going to sound, then I'm not sure I am going to buy it.
Finally, Stella is NOT Katy Perry or Lady Gaga, and the pink hair is a bit out there. Streaks might have been cool, but that much magenta should not reside on anyones head (except maybe the above mentioned people… I could see them pulling it off.)
I feel like not only is Stella resurrecting her songs, she is also trying to resurrect her image, and I'm not sure how well that is going to work. She is in her sixties and although she has had some glam throughout her career, its not been this extreme. Thus far, she kind of flies under the radar, and I'm not really sure what will happen if this album does come to public attention. Teenagers might think it was cool, or they would see a 60 year old woman attempting to be cool… and failing. I don't see this tactic working.
It is scary that people can
It is scary that people can praise people then turn around and destroy that very same person. Defines character! Sad
Michael T, I agree with your
Michael T, I agree with your opinion and I am sure that you speak from first hand knowledge.-Stella uses and psychologically abuses whomever she pretends to be friends with as long as they are supplying her needs at no cost. She hurts many people throughout the process, especially gay ones which seem to be her prime target. She is a master manipulator for sure. But back to the music- I don't hate the cd but I don't appreciate it either. I can enjoy the dance mix, but dubbing her voice in just doesn't get it for me.
not great. not horrible.
not great. not horrible.
It’s very dated. But I like
It's very dated. But I like it. Sounds like the music from the 80's and 90's
It’s very dated. But I like
It's very dated. But I like it. Sounds like the music from the 80's and 90's
Nice song, a few drinks into
Nice song, a few drinks into a night at the club and I'm sure I'd love it! Hahah
I also didn't know Dolly had a sister that sang, she's really pretty…looks how I would imagine Dolly to had she not had so much surgery and aged a bit more gracefully!
Thnx Instinct 🙂
Stella has had way too much
Stella has had way too much surgery, brows in the middle forehead, used to be a beautiful girl, stop it with the face work Stella, you're too good to cheapen yourself, now….be Stella, honey, you're 66 darling and it's painfully obvious.
Stella has had way too much
Stella has had way too much surgery, brows in the middle forehead, used to be a beautiful girl, stop it with the face work Stella, you're too good to cheapen yourself, now….be Stella, honey, you're 66 darling and it's painfully obvious.
Stella has made many hateful
Stella has made many hateful comments about her famous sister,Dolly. And Stella is also a cold hearted bit*h. I would never spend a dime on this woman who has made horrible comments about her sister. Dolly has given and given to her family, and Stella has always been always been extremely jealous of Dolly's fame. Stella doesnt have as much talent as Dolly Parton's little finger. Can't stand Stella.
I can’t tell you how ignorant
I can't tell you how ignorant your post makes you appear! Attacking a woman I'm confident you do not know in 'defense' of her sister whom you also do not know. Furthermore, whether or not your attack of Stella's character is valid…your language is absolutely disgusting. I follow 'Instinct' magazine, I can't say I know much about either Dolly or Stella but I enjoyed this song enough…although I could have done without seeing your comment as I was scrolling down to post one of my own.
Michael T — You obviously
Michael T — You obviously have NO idea….not the first CLUE who Stella Parton is. Because who you have described is not the Stella Parton I know. You sound like a bitter queen. NEXT!
Then you don’t know Stella at
Then you don't know Stella at all. Stella is in print saying Dolly needs to act her age,Dolly needs yo go away for several years as she isn't popular,Dolly fabricates family stories, Dolly lived a lot better growing up than thr rest of her kin. And on and on and on. Stella was called out about her remarks about her famous sister,and tried to backpedal. Real Dolly fans know the caliber of Stella. The only reason Stella has a career(as tired as it may be) is because of her sister Dolly. Stella is a bitter bit*h, and anyone who loves Dolly knows everything I daid about Stella is true. She's always been jealous of Dolly. And she should be. Dolly is a beautiful person,NOTHING like her POS sister.
Who had the top ten hit first
Who had the top ten hit first? Story solved. Stella is nothing like you described. This comes from being around her and knowing. Please don't go on what you read in the media, because you know as good as I do…..anything sells….print included. How about you not be the bitter one and just go about your business.
LMAO!!! A top 10 hit…really
LMAO!!! A top 10 hit…really? That's all you got? why don't you try 25 NUMBER ONES, 100 million PLUS albums sold, 8 Grammys, the most nominated female in ANY music category in Grammy history. Stella Parton is a nobody. And people know damn well what kind of snake Stella is.
I don’t think Dolly would
I don't think Dolly would appreciate harsh words about any of her siblings. Heart it or hate the song!
Love it!!!
Love it!!!
Heart it.
Heart it.
When she get a sister??? LOL
When she get a sister??? LOL Go GURRRRRL
Dolly has an equally fabulous
Dolly has an equally fabulous sister!!!? You do learn something new every day! Hah This would be hot in the club.
Love it. Heart it. Need more
Love it. Heart it. Need more of it!
Not even gonna lie, I like it
Not even gonna lie, I like it!
LOVE IT !! (: great job
Heart it!
Heart it!
Had no idea Dolly had a sister! She sounds a lot like Dolly too…thanks for posting Instinct!
She had five sisters and six
She had five sisters and six brothers. So glad you like it, now go to!!!
Has not! Had
Has not! Had
Not gonna lie. I anticipated
Not gonna lie. I anticipated hating it… but after a second listen, it's not bad. But she has a deep country voice. Not sure if I get the dance remix idea, but ya know… good for her trying to step out from big sister's shadow. I'll buy the album and try it on for size. NOW… can we do something about that pink hair? Heavens-to-Betsy!
Not impressed…Sorry !!
Not impressed…Sorry !! Dislike it!
Love it! Bought it! On iTunes
Love it! Bought it! On iTunes. Will get the CD! New songs are awesome.
Love it love it love it!!’n
Love it love it love it!!'n