Here’s Why That Rumored ‘SATC 3’ Plot Wouldn’t Have Worked

A story broke out this week regarding what the alleged plot would’ve been (or partially) if Sex and the City 3 were to be made. Sadly this will never become a reality as it was shelved in the fall of 2017, with many people pointing the blame at Kim Cattrall due to her backing out of what could’ve been another fun and interesting adventure for Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Charlotte (Kristin Davis), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) and Samantha (Kim).


The rumored storyline was that Mr. Big (Chris Noth) dies in the beginning of the movie as he suffers a heart attack while taking a shower. This plot was the reason why Kim allegedly backed out as it would’ve centered more on Carrie and not with the other girls in a more cohesive manner. This is something that would’ve been risky for audiences to enjoy, but first… we have to step back a bit to see how this legendary franchise got here in the first place.

The series itself finished on a truly high note way back in 2004 with Carrie and Big ending up together, Charlotte adopting her first baby, Miranda and Steve (David Eigenberg) finally figuring it out and Samantha’s triumph with her breast cancer.

Then they made a movie out of it four years later. This detailed Carrie and Big finally getting married after 10 very complicated years, Miranda and Steve (once again) figuring it out after he cheated on her, Charlotte actually getting pregnant and Samantha dumping her longtime boyfriend Smith (Jason Lewis).

The second film happened in 2010, which made many people (myself included) wish they could’ve gotten a refund for the absolute disaster that we saw. All of it was so wrong on so many levels that it’s hard to know where to begin. It took place, for the most part, in Abu Dhabi as opposed to New York City, where Carrie oddly enough runs into Aidan Shaw (John Corbett) and cheats on Big with him for a hot second. The other character’s storylines were not that interesting and there were still many other problems with the movie that took place (racist undertones, for one).


So it’s 8 years later now, where presumably the filmmakers would be putting the finishing touches on the SATC 3 movie had this actually been made. The question is, would we want to see it given how bad the last one was… not to mention just how dark and harrowing it would’ve been with Big’s death smack dab in the beginning?

Something that the show really did, at least towards the later years, was blend the funny with the serious in a really good way. When you start a film off with a death this impactful, its hard to get the viewers to see any light throughout the rest of it as we know (for the most part) what we will be dealing with. Essentially it would’ve been Carrie restarting in life at a much older age after the man she’s known for 20 years has died. Fun? Not really.

I can give the writers kudos for trying to come up with a fresh take on things, but it might be a good thing that this movie never got made. I know we all love this show and the impact that it made, but quite honestly, I would’ve been more than fine with it really ending how it did 14 years ago as they got that right on so many levels.

This post was created by one of our Contributing Writers and does not reflect the opinion of Instinct Magazine or the other Contributing Writers when it comes to this subject.

1 thought on “Here’s Why That Rumored ‘SATC 3’ Plot Wouldn’t Have Worked”

  1. 3rd should be carrie pregnant

    3rd should be carrie pregnant, big having issues being a dad, samantha being given a baby to raise after friends pass, charlotte going back to work and dealing with that and not being so present at home, and miranda having a work crush where she comes close to cheating bringing it full circle for steve and her when he did it, plus a great deal of funny times with kids etc and age and botox,lol


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