Hillary Takes To SNL To Tie Up Some Loose Ends.

It's always entertaining to see politicians acting on stage instead of behind a podium.  Last presidential election had a parade of candidates lined up to be on Saturday Night Live (SNL). This season the line forms behind Hillary Clinton.


The bit was full of self-deprecating humor, with Clinton poking fun at herself over topics like gay marriage and the Keystone pipeline.

Playing Val the bartender, Clinton gave a pep talk to McKinnon’s slightly soused version of herself lamenting the woes of the campaign trail, with a pointed jab at Trump as the real Hillary nailed a pretty good Trump impersonation. – rawstory.com

Here's the clip from NBC.







How did Hillary do? 


Does her self-deprecating skit involving her stance on gay marriage smooth the issue over?

Does she have your vote?



4 thoughts on “Hillary Takes To SNL To Tie Up Some Loose Ends.”

  1. This is a tactic that Clinton

    This is a tactic that Clinton has used before. Poke fun at the controversy herself and she makes it out to be a lot of nonsense, giving her "lemming-like" followers peace of mind that its all a farce, In fact there are far too many issues of questionable conduct in the Clinton camp, that are more than Republican conspiracy theories. Always were/ always will be. Definitely not to be trusted. This is just another example of  Clinton style, message control, to bury the hard truths. Seems to work with many of her hard-core followers. Not going to work on the rest of us who are actually paying attention.


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