Homosexual Art Gallery Dedicated To The Male Body Opening in June

Lior Horesh Shmul The Human Experience 1 scaled
“The Human Experience.” Lior Horesh Shmul.

An art gallery in Tel Aviv, Israel will display – both in person and online – art dedicated to the male body in all its various forms and media. The Pan Art Gallery promotes and sells original artworks and signed and numbered prints by homosexual artists from Israel, Germany, United States and the United Kingdom. The Pan Art Gallery is the only online homosexual art gallery in the Middle East.

Curated by Erez Bialer who created and opened gallery so that, 


“we have a gay art gallery in the gayest city in the middle east. Granted – we do not have equal rights in Israel yet, but normalizing homosexual art, and male genitalia in general, in a place so vehemently haunted by religious conservative doctrines will certainly bring forth the change we seek, and hopefully, will also assist (even if only by proxy) in bringing us further towards a time where we are not only seen as a bag of tourist-money, and a fig leaf for the occupation.”

Yochai Matos Sphynx Ink on Rice Paper
“Sphynk.” Yochai Matos.

Bialer also notes the importance of this gallery and exhibit,

“the mere idea of having a gay art gallery based in Israel – a religious country where an anti-LGBTQ political party just recently rose to power in the Parliament for the first time – is ground breaking. To display male nudity in an artistic context is still very controversial, even within the gay community, here in Tel Aviv. But we are here, as we have always been, from the dawn of time.”

Ori Paul Levi cutuncut
“cutuncut.” Ori Paul Levi.

Bialer sees the homosexual community as,

 “the design masters: Fashion, Arts, Architecture, Make Up – These are homosexual creativity fields and I believe our social roll is to inspire society with new and exciting creations. I hope my gallery can do that.”  

The exhibit will officially launch on June 24th, with the online exhibit open now. All the works shown in the website are for sale – either originals or signed and numbered prints or both.  The exhibit will run for a month, to celebrate Pride, in a soon-to-be determined hotel in Tel Aviv. 

Chen Tuby wobob Pastel.png.1
“Wobob.” Chen Tuby.

The gallery is named after Pan, the God of Art and Music, Lord of the forest and mischiefs, according to myths. His ancient ritual included homosexual sacred sex, and has his own temple in the north of Israel. To view more artwork from this exhibit visit www.panartgallery.com.

Yuval Israeli Queer Sketches Ink on paper 40X50 inch
“Queer Sketches.” Yuval Israeli.

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