Horrific Fatal Homophobic Attack Sparks Outrage And Protests in Spain

The brutal murder of a 24-year-old gay man in Spain over the weekend has sparked a movement across the country as thousands and thousands take to the streets in protest.




The attack happened in A Coruña on the Promenade section of the city. Samuel’s friends spoke at length to Espejo Publico with vivid details about the attack. Samuel Luiz and his friend Lina had been for a night of fun. The two decided to video chat with their friend Vanessa when they were approached by a man and a woman who told them, 


stop filming me if you don’t want me to kill you faggot!

Samuel replied,

Faggot of what?

The punching and kicking began even before Samuel finished that sentence. Vanessa reported that “all we could hear were blows, as she heard the horrific attack over the video chat the friends began under different circumstances.




Within seconds there were apparently as many as 13 people involved in the pack attack against Samuel. A bystander stepped in to try and save Samuel but it was too late. Samuel suffered severe head and neck injuries and paramedics worked for over two hours desperately trying to save the young man’s life. 



As of the writing of this article, no one has been held in custody but police have identified 13 people wanted in connection with the attack.

LBGTQI+ organizations throughout Spain have mobilized protests throughout the country keeping pressure on the Spanish government to make arrests and condemn the murder as a hate crime as words like “faggot” were shouted throughout the attack.




Friends of Samuel told Euro Weekly News that “he had his whole life to live and was working as a nursing assistant helping others.” His friend Lina who was with him that night had this to heartbreakingly add, 


“I am sure that the others were friends of the aggressor and they got in the way to defend him as if Samuel had done something when he had done nothing. I know what I experienced and it was homophobic In the end he got what he wanted, which was to kill him”.

UPDATE: CNN – Spanish police arrest three over suspected homophobic killing:

The two men and one woman who are under arrest, ages 20 to 25, were suspected of direct participation in the attack, according to Minones.
Police are not ruling out the possibility of more arrests and are basing their investigation on statements from 15 people, mobile phone video recorded at the scene, as well as video from security cameras in the area operated by municipal police and local businesses, Minones said.

Sources: La Prensa Latina, Euro Weekly News, Espejo Publico 

1 thought on “Horrific Fatal Homophobic Attack Sparks Outrage And Protests in Spain”

  1. No one deserves to be killed. I pray for Samuel, his family, and all those that loved him and really knew him.
    I hope the government finds these animals and receive the same treatment.


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