I Can’t Wait to Have These Dicks in My Mouth!

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Photo credit: Punk Rock Pastries Facebook

Not even tasty, melt in your mouth penises are safe from a Karen’s wrath!

Hollie Fraser, owner of Punk Rock Pastries, was surprised to find city officials in her Burnaby, B.C. bakery on Wednesday, March 16. Despite the business name, implying that just maybe every item on the menu wasn’t capable of winning a Food Network show, a disgruntled parent had complained to the city after visiting the establishment with her child. The trigger point? The multiple penis (and vagina) shaped deserts that her daughter discovered.


Following the citation, Hollie was forced to issue a disclaimer on her social media pages warning parents that any child who enters her store under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a guardian.  

The icing on the cake (insert drumbeat)? According to CTV News, the parent’s complaint did not have their desired outcome. Instead, cake sales at Punk Rock Pastries is booming. Hollie even told reporters that the staff has “sold more in just one hour than they normally would in an entire day.” Does that mean that patrons can look forward to new delicious penile treats to put in their mouths? I sure hope so! 

Really, though. Take a look at the offending sugary treats below, and then browse Punk Rock Pastries’ gallery by clicking the blue View Profile button. Every dessert they offer looks beyond delectable. 

What do you think about this situation, readers? Who do you think is in the wrong? Comment and let me know! 



Source: Narcity, CTV News

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