“I Will Not Apologize For Being Gay Or For Being Sex-Positive!”

photo credit//instagram//ericadameweathernyc

Spectrum News NY1 recently fired weatherman Erick Adame is fighting his termination and firing back. Adame took to his Instagram on Monday to take control of the narrative and set the record “straight” – pun intended. The Emmy-nominated meteorologist was let go late last week after appearing on an “adult cam website.”

“I secretly appeared on an adult cam website. On this site, I acted out my compulsive behaviors, while at home, by performing on camera for other men. It was 100% consensual on both of our parts.”



According to The Advocate and The Daily Beast,

“The Daily Beast reported on court documents that they obtained showing that Adame was petitioning Unit 4 Media, Ltd. Unite 4 Media, Ltd has links to LPSG.com, which is most known for its forum where nude photos and videos of various public figures are shared. At times, users of this forum will actively lure these public figures into sending photos and videos that they intend to post later for wider dissemination. According to the documents, in 2021, Adame used a video chat service that Unit 4 owned.”

Once on the video chat service, another user, who has not been named, took screenshots of a nude Adame and then sent them to his employer — and mother. WTF!!!???? {Wonder if the blackmailer is someone Adame knows, this seems like a lot of work for a random user…but you never know, some people can be pretty shitty.} On his Instagram, Adame continued, 

“Let me be clear about something: I do not apologize for being openly gay or for being sex-positive-those are gifts and I have no shame about them.”



Now looking for new employment, Adame implored News Directors to “judge me on the hundreds, thousands of hours of television that I am so proud of and that my employers have always commended me for, and not for the couple of minutes of salacious video that is probably going to soon define me in our click-bait culture.”





What do we think Instincters? Is this a firable offense? Sound off in the comments below.


Sources: The Advocate

7 thoughts on ““I Will Not Apologize For Being Gay Or For Being Sex-Positive!””

  1. So confusing.
    If he is so “sex-positive,” why does he consider this “compulsive behavior”?

    I can undetstand there may be a “morality clause” in his contract but sexual expression on his own time shouldn’t be included.

    Shame on the person who took the photos. How is that not a breach of the website rules?
    Is there State laws against this or revenge-porn?

    Also, how disgusting low-life douche bucket is a person to use photos to shame and/or bribe a person and share with mother?

  2. Years ago, a book on leadership I was reading had a chapter titled “The Rushmorians.” The message of the author was that even those honored on Mount Rushmore were failable human beings who, if judged according to today’s standards, would not qualify for such recognition. We are all failable human beings, and we all deserve forgiveness. As my grandfather taught me many years ago, “everyone makes mistakes; what is important is what we learn from them.”

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  4. He did so while under contract as a public figure. If he was anon then how did someone know it was him..? He knew better, now be a grown man and accept the punishment, and the person who blasted him should be punished too. Sucks for his husband, doubt he knew, and LPSG acting all righteous as if they don’t allow post from OF knowing it’s against their media laws.

    • Wait- How is it YOU know it was on OF? You’re well versed in this matter, who’s to say that it wasn’t YOU that did it?
      TF outta here with that shit. White privilege among the minority.

  5. Hopelessly old fashioned and not sure if this is the case, but my friend Kara worked for a local TV Station in Louisiana. Her contract had a Morality Clause.


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