Instinct Exclusive: Behind the Scenes “Rio 40 Graus” Swimsuit Editorial

We went to South America this year for our annual swimsuit issue.  Join Photographer Richard Machado and Fashion Director Eric Launder on Ipanema beach as they shoot this years latest in swim trends. Designers include LacosteMr. TurkParke & Ronen, and Osklen. See the behind the scenes video below. Você​ é bem vindo lindo!



1 thought on “Instinct Exclusive: Behind the Scenes “Rio 40 Graus” Swimsuit Editorial”

  1. The Love Spell Caster That

    The Love Spell Caster That can truly do your work…dr iyare via

    It was on Val's Day that I got the highest shock of my life, I was expecting an engagement ring from my love but I got a break up. My love of three and half years broke up with me because he doesn't want to be tied up by one woman and he is scared of taking full responsibility of raising a family. He then traveled without my notice to Colorado for a new job on February 16th just to avoid me before he suddenly stopped communicating with me through all medium. It annoyed me a lot because we had bad times together and we survived before he promised to marry me and be the father of our unborn children and we vowed never to leave each other no matter the situation.

    I know my love as well as I know myself and I know that his decision to break up was not ordinary after I tried all means but none was successful until visited a man with higher authority, a man than can command ex back within hours. His name is dr iyare via  and . dr iyare told me all I need to do and asked me to open up my heart and believe as he will soon prove to me his Powers. The spell that changed my life today was casted February 22nd and the miracle happened when my love called me to pick him up at the airport, when I got to the airport, he knelt down with tears rolling down his cheeks begging for marriage with an engagement ring. I accepted his proposal and we are seriously working on getting married now.

    I never knew that it will be possible to get him back after the advices I got from people but dr iyare via proved his Powers to me and gave me reasons to believe in Love Spell.


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