Is Provincetown Seeing A Post-Fourth Of July Covid Outbreak?

As positive COVID cases pop up on the LGBTQ Cape Cod vacation destination of Provincetown from people who visited P-Town during the Fourth of July holiday, the Provincetown Town Manager says that the town is on the case. “We are in touch with the Health Department and Outer Cape Health Services and are closely monitoring the data,” town manager Alex Morse said in a statement to WCVB. A mobile testing unit has been deployed to arrive Wednesday, but Morse confirmed that while some of the largest venues in town like the Boatslip (who have a daily tea dance) require vaccination, other businesses will be following suit shortly. 


Travis Dagenais, who is fully vaccinated, was in Provincetown for the Fourth of July long weekend. He told WCVB that he started initially feeling symptoms of COVID-19 upon his return to Boston last Tuesday. “Once I got back to Boston on Tuesday evening, I started feeling raspy, a dry cough,” Dagenais said. Dagenais said that following a series of tests, he was officially positive for COVID. “At that point was when I started seeing that not only was this a situation with myself, but there were others in a very similar case, fully vaccinated individuals who were in Provincetown, who came down with COVID not long after returning home.”

Thankfully though, the vaccine is no doubt working. In fact, local officials, health experts, and people who passed through Provincetown (per The Daily Beast) say that while there has been a bit of a spike, there is no cause for alarm right now  Provincetown currently has one of the highest vaccination rates in the state. Per the Barnstable County Health Department, about thirty people have tested positive in the last week (majority of those cases are from “fully vaccinated” individuals.)  A spokesperson for Outer Cape Health Services, meanwhile, told The Daily Beast that no hospitalizations have been recorded associated with these potential breakthrough cases.

As he spends a two week quarantine at home post-Provincetown, Travis Dagenais has the best advice of all that he posted on his social media; “Go get vaccinated if you haven’t already”

Keep up with all things P-Town on Provincetown Tourism’s Instagram

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