A 36-year-old man from Italy tested positive for monkeypox, COVID-19 and HIV at once?!
A new report released in the Journal of Infection shares this recent story of an Italian man, whose identity is being kept anonymous, and his three test results. The man went on a five-day trip to Spain, and started to experience a bunch of symptoms when he returned, according to BNO News via CNBC TV18. This includes: a fever, a sore throat, fatigue, headaches, and a rash on his left arm.
After getting a COVID-19 test on July 2nd, because duh that’s the thing to do, the man tested positive. But a few days later he started getting blisters! The man’s face, butt, legs, and torso were covered with blisters. So the patient went to the hospital on July 5th and tested positive for not only monkeypox, but HIV too!
The last time the man got tested for HIV was last September. The HIV test also showed he had a high viral load which put him in danger of getting other diseases (like COVID)! But researchers say “his preserved CD4 count” suggests he probably didn’t get infected with HIV until recently.
But here’s the good news. He lives in Italy. He’s got proper healthcare! So despite developing ALL those symptoms nine days after traveling back from Spain, the man was discharged from the hospital after a week of treatment. And now, he’s fully recovered from monkeypox and coronavirus. Thanks, universal coverage!

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Researchers from the University of Catania say this health case has important lessons. The situation shows how symptoms of monkeypox and COVID-19 “may overlap” and confirms how “in case of co-infection, anamnestic collection and sexual habits” are crucial for correct diagnosis.
The report also adds that “the monkeypox oropharyngeal swab was still positive after 20 days, suggesting that these individuals may still be contagious for several days after clinical remission. Consequently, physicians should encourage appropriate precautions.”
“As this is the only reported case of monkeypox virus, SARS-CoV-2, and HIV co-infection, there is still not enough evidence supporting that this combination may aggravate the patient’s condition,” researchers said. “Given the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the daily increase of monkeypox cases, healthcare systems must be aware of this eventuality.”
While only twelve deaths have been attributed to monkeypox, according to the head of the WHO, the disease is spreading FAST! Because of this, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says nations must concentrate on ensuring they are ready for monkeypox and employ public health measures to stop the virus’ spread. Let’s get on it!
Source: CNBC TV18, Greek Reporter,