Jared Leto On Par To Become King of The Thirst Traps

photo credit//instagram//jaredleto

We Crashed star Jared Leto knows what his fans want, and he delivers. The House of Gucci star regularly posts thirst traps photos to his Instagram. Case in point, Leto recently gifted followers with behind the-scenes photos from his latest film – Morbius.



Related: Jared Leto thirst trap photos are always a win on Instagram

The Oscar-winning actor recently appeared on the cover of Men’s Health. In the article, Leto discussed performing with his band Thirty Second to Mars saying, 

“It’s hard to explain because you’re up there having a good time, but it’s full-on for a couple of hours. You’re singing and running around, you have so much adrenaline, and you’re performing at your limit. Your heart is pounding outta your chest, you’re dripping sweat, and you’re exhilarated, but you’re working your body in a really intense way.”



The Dallas Buyers Club actor credits those ‘concert workouts’ with keeping his physique lean and ripped at 50. [Those abs alone are seriously hot!] Leto also has a post workout shake after every workout as he illustrated in his Instagram post. 

“A little peek behind the scenes on @moribusmovie – postworkout shake time!”



Morbius is in theaters now.



Sources: Men’s Health

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