He knows how to act, he knows how to rock climb, he knows how to swim–and now, it’s obvious that Jason Momoa definitely knows how to sell merch!

In a recent video, Aquaman promoted his new purple tees and matching sandals that are packaged and shipped plastic free. But let’s face it, Momoa could be selling a flaming bag of crap and showing his ass and we will STILL buy it!
After plugging his merch, Momoa turns around and walks away to show his most valued asset–his glutes!
Take our money, Drogo!
As we all know, Momoa is no stranger to being in the buff. Last year, he broke the internet with his behind when he shared a video of him on a fishing trip with friends. Talk about using the right kind of bait!
Bulging biceps and bodacious booty aside, we love to see that Jason Momoa doesn’t take himself too seriously. He definitely doesn’t mind being the BUTT of the joke!
We love to see it!