Joey Salinas’ New Single Keeps Him Marching To His Own Drum & Evolving

Direct from Northern Virginia, Joey Salinas was part of the generation that are considered the “latchkey kids”. Parents were working and artists like Mariah, Janet, Madonna and George Michael were inspiring the children after-school and setting them up for some pretty creative future endeavors. As a gay man of Latin descent, Salinas defines what “representation matters” and that is reflected in his music. His latest single & video for ‘Wonderland’ (the third single off of his phenomenal EP Identity: Chapter 1) sprinkles in exotically gorgeous percussion alongside Salinas’ breezy and mid-tempo vocals.


Identity: Chapter 1 is a pop album in every sense of the world, with elements of dance, pop, R&B, rock, electronica, and of course, heavy Latin fusion weaved throughout the entire EP. The title track showcases the facets that make up who Joey Salinas truly is. “Stomp” speaks to the importance of having a goal you are striving for, and the subsequent driving force to achieve it. “My Time,” (with a video scheduled to drop soon) is about self-worth and not allowing anyone to define who you are.

As for the message that is spread throughout Identity: Chapter 1, it is not how others see you that matters, but really how you see yourself. “I’ve always marched to my own drum,” Salinas admits. “And I’m constantly evolving as an artist and as a person.” Taking on the three specific versions of the singer throughout his life (Joseph, Joe, and Joey) they are depicted via the three different personalities with masked versions of each in the music video for ‘Wonderland’ One element that Salinas was sure to showcase in the video was water; lots of it. “My favorite element in the video has to be the waterwall,” says Salinas. “And the ending… you’ll have to see it to understand why I like it so much.”

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