‘Jokes Seth Can’t Tell’ Segment On Late Night Gets Him In Hot Water.

I think Seth Myers is one of those geeky cute guys that could be fun to know in many ways.  But three things he is not are a lesbian, a woman, and he's not black.  So what does he do when those semi racists, sexist, gay jokes come up and he may be too timid to tell them?  Two of his writers come to the rescue and share his desk to help him through the rough waters of comedy. 




"Black women and lesbians are liars!"

I fnd myself staying up later and later and don't mind it because I do like Seth's sense of humor.  I don't think I would mind him telling any of these jokes, but then again I am not black, a woman, or a lesbian.  From what I gather from the stories he shares, Seth is a big supporter of our community.  Keep up the funny Seth and we'll keep watching.


Here is another one of his videos where he doesn't mind showing his knowledge and support of our community.  This one is entitled Bathrooms as Battlegrounds:  A Closer Look.






Are you a Seth fan?


h/t:  nbc.com

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