Let the comments begin.

Do I really need to say anything about the above pic?  Yes, it’s a real product that Groupon put out there on its website to sell. And it sold.  Did it ever.  The product went out and the comments flew in.


Groupon knows social, as you can see with its latest Facebook post of a Banana Bunker—a container for a single banana, which you can absolutely purchase on the Groupon site.

Fans are going wild with the clever commentary. And Groupon is responding to every single comment, as innocently as a brand can while discussing what could easily be mistaken for a sex toy. Instead of a Banana Bunker. Because it’s definitely a Banana Bunker.

If you were hoping to buy one, it’s currently sold out. But keep hope alive, reader. – ADWEEK.COM


Yes, Groupon responded to every single comment.  Here are some of the ones I found entertaining, but for more, head on over to ADWEEK.COM . or Groupon’s Facebook post here.




5 thoughts on “Let the comments begin.”

  1. Just wanted to let everyone

    Just wanted to let everyone know about my recent experience with Dr Brave…my name is Natasha Johnson and I have been married for only 1 year and it's a difficult situation as we are living apart because of his job in another state but my husband calls me everyday so we do keep in touch, well recently his calling pattern has changed and of course that got me worrying, then I was saw that he put in an order for a women's item on the internet but I said nothing to him about this…..I had the feeling that he was talking to another woman that he may have met on one of the dating sites that he has his profile on…again I did not let him know I know this but I had a feeling that the women's item he ordered was for her and it's so hard to know for sure as he is thousands of miles away.

    Well recently his attitude towards me was changing and he just told me that he wanted a divorce and for me not to call him anymore and he would do the same, well of course this devestated me and I felt extreamly hurt and needless to say I didn't call him anymore and then I went on the internet to learn everything I could about relationships or rather about marriage but all the courses were very expensive, like in the hundreds, and they I went to this one marriage site that had a place to post comments and that's where I saw another lady that had a similiar problem as mine but a little different and in there she talk about Dr. Brave and gave out his email so I contacted  Dr. Brave to help me with my situation with my husband as I love my husband very much and I don't want to lose him to any other woman.  Dr. Brave told me not to worry and that my husband will again start talking to me and not divorce me…he told me he would cast a spell to fix all this and it seems to be working as then my husband has started calling me again (even though he said he would never call again) and I am happy to be talking to him again and making plans to be together again instead of living apart from each other.
    If it  was not for Dr. Brave's kind heart and compassion I would have stayed sunken into a dark deep depression of the blackest kind…but thanks to this great soul my husband and I would have much happiness to look forward to.

    If you are going thru love/marriage relationship turmoil give Dr. Brave a chance to help you…you can reach him at his private email:  bravespellcaster@gmail.com or contact him thru his website:  http://enchantedscents.tripod.com/lovespell
    I can say Dr. Brave as a spellcaster is by far superior to most spellcasters out there…..you will discover that  your problem will be solved right away…..If you have any other problems like:

    -You need you ex-wife/husband, friend back
    -You need to know if your wife/husband is lying

  2. I had not heard of this

    I had not heard of this product before but I do have a yellow bag that I put my bananas in when I purchase them from the store.  This bag keeps them fresh for a long period of time than just leaving them out.  Your product seems like a good one however, I don't buy just one banana.  So putting them in the yellow bag is still a good alternative for me.  I suspect that the color yellow has something to do with it, plus the fact that it keeps the air out.   Perhaps you could come up with a similar item that houses more than one banana?

  3. Advertisement
  4. no thanks, cause using this

    no thanks, cause using this will cause my banana to ripen faster, and I like my bananas a little on the under ripe side…


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