Libyan Muslims Throw Alleged Gay Men Off Rooftop.

With the supposed poisonous gas attack in Syria, the world is seeing once again the lack of respect for life of the innocent.


But just days before the gas attack another horrific incident occurred overseas.

A video of Muslim men throwing accused homosexuals from a rooftop in Libya was posted to Twitter by a local journalist on Sunday. The act was done as a form of punishment for disobeying the Sharia law, a strict interpretation of an Islamic set of principles, according to Tarek Fatah.

The authenticity of the video was unclear, but in the 45-second clip, apparent Muslims can be seen chanting "Allah-U-Akbar" as they throw four purportedly gay people off a rooftop. The incident allegedly took place in Libya, and the date, as well as the victims' gender, were unknown. Towards the end of the clip, a bystander walked toward the unmoving bodies. However, it remained unclear if he was a part of the act since he stood on the sidewalk as the bodies dropped one by one.  –

The video is NSFW and very explicit. 




Children were blasted across the news as the victims of the Syrian gas attack.  Did we see any coverage of these killings in Libya?


As always, the statement is … what can we do?

While some countries have strict laws against homosexuality, the Montana House of Representatives proposed a bill that would ban Sharia law in the state.

The bill advanced last month. –

Is this the right approach to the issue?  I'm not sure what banning Sharia law would do in Montana.  Then again, if they do that, should they ban Christianity which calls for "an eye for an eye?"




4 thoughts on “Libyan Muslims Throw Alleged Gay Men Off Rooftop.”

  1. No time for religion

    No time for religion whatsoever here, however… the proper interpretation of the "eye for an eye" verse is that the punishment should be commensurate with and not outweigh the crime.

  2. Any religion that purports to

    Any religion that purports to be peaceful , yet condones .. in fact demands, that its followers murder people .. is not a religion of any kind of God .. it is a cult .. a murderous front for pure evil .. there is no God involved .. and no greater evil than twisting religion to indoctrinate young people into a murderous cult in the name of God .. as though any power of good and kindness is involved in this horrific terrorist movement .. 


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