Lil Miss Michael’s Meltdown Had Previous Blowout At Peet’s Coffee In Chicago’s Boystown.

Some people need to hear themselves talk.  We realize that. We wish we could do so many things to them when they start in, but legally, they're allowed to blow hot air everywhere.  It seems that Jennifer Boyle has made it a lifestyle choice to be that kind of person.  We first heard of this Chicago woman and Donald Trump supporter from her explosion at a Michael's over bags, but she had a history and an occurrence at a coffee shop that was also caught on tape.



Boyle’s now-deleted LinkedIn profile shows she attended DePaul University and worked as a ‎human resources business partner at Sinai Health System, but the company said on Facebook that she had stopped working there prior to the Michael’s incident.

A commentor on the Chicagoist website claims to have worked with Boyle, who the writer claims was “batsh*t, racist, crazy.”

“She is just as nuts in person as this video depicts,” writes the commentor, Youth_Twitter. “From a legal perspective, I am not sure what I am or am not allowed to say; but I will leave it at this. EVERYONE was happy when they found out she was no longer welcome back.”

“When I worked at Sinai, I was her conduit for all of her mental anguish. On my last day, I warned everyone that was at my going away outing to be careful around her and that she was mentally unstable. After I left, she unleashed on everyone within the department. Even though “I told you so feels good for a moment, this is unprecedented.” –


In her second appearance, Jennifer rolls out the red tongue for a coffee shop manager.  “You’re a b*tch,” she says. “You are literally the b*tch. Do you see where we’re at? You’re the b*tch.”  Some sites are calling the coffee shop explosion an anti-LGBT one.  I am not sure calling a man a bitch is anti-LGBT. 


Where do people go from here?  One patron of Michael's that was present that night has taken the initiative to assist those affected.


Jessie Grady, who recorded portions of Boyle’s most recent rant, set up a GoFundMe page for the Michael’s employees, and the campaign has already raised more than $18,000 — well above her initial goal of $400.

“I’d like to do something to try to make it up to the employee who was the main target of this racist attack,” Grady said on the fundraiser page. “I’d like to show her that many people are horrified by how this woman treated her, and that we stand with her and appreciate her hard work. She inspired me because despite the hateful words that were being hurled in her direction, she stood in that entranceway calm and unmoving to protect her staff and customers.” –



So if you have the stomach to see a white woman feel her oats all over Chicago and think her shit doesn't stink, the video below shows both instances with the second at the coffee shop starting at about 10:40.



One last word … UGH.




1 thought on “Lil Miss Michael’s Meltdown Had Previous Blowout At Peet’s Coffee In Chicago’s Boystown.”

  1. Jennifer Boyle harassed one

    Jennifer Boyle harassed one of my clients who is gay… she got a restraining order claiming all kinds of untrue things… his life was screwed


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