Looking For A Dog Daddy To Date? You Have Come To The Perfect Place

photo via Instagram, kronos1984 mkcarolan

I double-dog dare you not to fall in love with our newfound favorite Instagram handle – dog_daddies. Their tagline: hot men with dogs. We likey!  A perfect combination! Like peanut butter and jelly. Or mac and cheese. And Republicans and corruption! 

Looking for a new mans?  A man with a dog is a good place to start looking. You already know your future boyfriend is nurturing, caring, and able to take care of something besides himself – if that’s what gets you going!


If not looking then just spend hours scrolling and looking at hot man after hot man after hot man. Oh yeah, and there are dogs too. Dog_Daddies know their audience and they know their brand. THE MEN ARE HOT AF. and the dogs are cute too 🙂







Fall in lust yet? Thinking about getting a furry four-legged friend for yourself? HOT DOGGITY. 













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