Magic H8 Ball, A Comedy About A Distraught Gay Man And A Demonic Kid’s Toy, Needs Your Support

Dan Haas / Screenshot via Kickstarter


It is always good to support LGBTQ representation in our entertainment media.

If you want little boys, girls, and those in flux who are growing up with queer identities to have LGBTQ role models on their screens, stages, and pages, you have to support the people who try to get those kinds of stories out there.

Plus, it’s nice to have someone writing a story for the adults too.

As such, when kickstarters for LGTBQ media come along, its always good to at least check them out.


And what new kickstarter do I have for you today? Magic H8 Ball.

MagicH8Ball is a project that a group of LGBTQ creatives are trying to get together.

The story follows Adam, a young man who’s just broken up with his boyfriend after finding out he cheated (by getting chlamydia from him).

As Adam wallows in post-breakup misery, he discovers a Magic 8 Ball and asks if it’ll make all his decisions for him. The ball says yes, and sets Adam on a fun filled journey of self-discovery. But, soon he’ll realize that the Magic 8 Ball might be discovering an (evil) identity of its own.


While the story seems quirky in just the right way with the use of this Magic 8 Ball, what’s really interesting is that the ball is being used as a tool of actualizing the real conflict in the story. That real conflict being the difficulty after a breakup.

As the Kickstarter page states:

Usually, there’s no easy answer. We don’t get that kind of satisfaction or closure. So when Adam finds a loophole—a magic ball that has all the answers—it’s no wonder he gives it free reign over his increasingly messy life. What we’re left with is a slightly-drunk gay kid against the world, armed only with a sickly schlong and a sadistic kid’s toy. What could go wrong? 


via Kickstarter

If you want to find out just what can go wrong, you’ll have to back this project on Kickstarter to help it become a reality.


And if you do, you’ll get to see the love child of a primarily LGBTQ cast and crew come to (hopefully non-demonic) life.

This includes the director Dan Haas who has written ad campaigns for Harley-Davidson and Jack in the Box while having a comedy musical running in Chicago, and lead actor Nathan Mohebbi who’s acted in Masters of Sex, Chasing Life, and James Franco’s Child of God. Plus, there’s Jason Stamey who has been the casting director for several Marvel movies and Ramy Romany who’s directed and produced for tv channels such as Discovery, History, and National Geographic.

There’s a lot of magic behind and in front of the camera, but we’ll see if the magic will extend to the completion of this Kickstarter and to the project overall.

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