Man Has Shower Accident w/ IKEA Chair. Enter Jimmy Kimmel

We all have a shower toy or two.  If not, go get one!  They can be a lot of fun, alone or in pairs.  But take this video below as a fair warning, IKEA stools are not a shower toy. 



Jimmy recently came across a story about a Norwegian man named Claus Jorstad. The reason Claus made the news is because he bought a shower stool from IKEA and once he got home and sat on the stool something very unpleasant happened. It's a hard story to hear, so rather than just tell you about it, we enlisted the help of a young singer named Justin Moore who was kind enough to give voice to this terrible tale of a Norwegian nut with a very sad sack. – Jimmy Kimmel Live


I'm gonna sit down for this video but wiggle around as if physically uncomfortable.







Thanks Jimmy Kimmel Live  for the laughs and we will take the warning.

Of course we had to watch this video a couple of times, but we as well had to look up the name of the chair. Marius for under $5.  Seems a lot less scary than TESTIKULLEPINCHENGRABBENIN.



h/t:  Jimmy Kimmel Live 

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