Man Raped, Robbed And Beaten In Grindr Hookup Gone Wrong

styles large public images blog posts Christopher Jones 2014 04 11 Screen Shot 2014 04 11 at 3.47.05 PM

If a person wants to use dating/social/hookup apps (whatever you want to call them) as a way to meet men for sex or otherwise, all the power to them—but be careful!


A Canadian Tourist visiting Philadelphia as part of an education conference was sexually assaulted, robbed, and beaten after engaging with a man on Grindr and later meeting up at his hotel room for a hookup.

According to a report by, the 34-year-old victim (who chose to remain anonymous when interviewed) first arrived at the suspect's Hilton Home 2 Suites around 1:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon and shortly thereafter, was held at gunpoint where he was raped. 

“The whole thing was just a giant blur. I was scared and I kept thinking if I just do what he says, then he'll just go away," the man said.

After the initial attack, the victim was forced out of the hotel to go buy four $500 Visa gift cards and withdraw $200 each from five local ATMs. The men later entered a bar where, after being beaten and kicked, the victim was able to break free, run and call the police.


Police have yet to catch the suspect in this crime, described as 20-years-old, 5 foot 11-inches tall with wavy hair and star tattoos on the back of his right hand. However, you can help identify him after getting a fairly good look in some of the surveillance video from inside the bar (see video below).

If you have any information on the suspect, police are asking you to call the tipline at 215.686.TIPS.

As for the victim, it's not surprising he's putting his Grindr and all other dating apps on the shelf.

“I will no longer be doing any type of app like that again. I'm just not,” he said.


To watch the full report by, see below:


Apps like Grindr are not going anywhere. People will continue to use them and some won't. But for those of you who do, have you ever feared that your experiences using apps like Grindr may result in a similar situation? If so, what precautions do you take to keep yourself safe?

Weigh in, Instincters…


(H/T: Image Source.

101 thoughts on “Man Raped, Robbed And Beaten In Grindr Hookup Gone Wrong”

  1. I have met people via social

    I have met people via social media before, but I am always armed and ready, and let someone know where I will be, and when they call to check on me, if I don't answer they will call the cops

  2. I read some of these comments


    I read some of these comments and I'm shocked ( actually no I'm not)  I'm embarrassed that people still think this way or call someone a fag and say they deserved !  Really dude?    I live out in San Francisco and it's becoming a problem here  where people are using sites like Grindr. Or Scruff etc etc to pre meditate a plan to rob that person.    We need to band together and not let this happen anymore. Guys be careful and know your surroundings and have an exit strategy in place for all encounters. And DONT let someone just come over and enter your home. Meet them out front or at a public place 


  3. He got what he deserve.
    He got what he deserve. Probably enjoyed it to, getting raped by a young thug . Anyone hooking up online deserves to be raped. I hope law inforcement does not help him. You fags need to learn some self respect.

    • if you put negativity out….

      if you put negativity out……..the universe will somehow get that to you in return…… are a sad case…… is people like you that makes the world an ugly place…..

    • so much hate in the world….

      so much hate in the world… wonder horrible things happen….so if bad things happen its your fault, to woman, children, elderly, gay,, straight black, white, brown, yellow…

      the law protects everyone – everyone deserves to live there life as they choose to…

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  5. if you’re ever in an

    if you're ever in an emergency situation at an atm, you can get cash and input your pin number backwards and most atms will contact authorities to alert them to your situation, the person forcing you at the ATM is none the wiser. I'm not sure of all of the symantics, but my local bank teller was telling me about it a while back.Talk to your personal bank to find out if the service is available at yours.

  6. How about controlling your

    How about controlling your damned sexual urges, and stop desperately seeking some stranger to bang? It's shit like this that creates the stereotype of gay men being ultra-promiscuous.

    • So what does that make

      So what does that make straight men who solicit prostitutes?  The double standard is sickening.  Acts like this have a lot more to do with domination than they do with sexuality. 

    • if all it took was to control

      if all it took was to control sexual urges….they why is the USA #1 in teenage pregnancies and #1 in divorces and all these sexual bars clubs pickup places…..its humanity that has gone crazy….straight, gay, bi whatever (you still don't deserve to get robbed or raped or beaten…These things are against the law just incase any one wondered…

  7. grow up people.

    grow up people.

    this isnt about race.

    in any way.


    as a gay black man, i've had lots of crappy experiences with dating white men. and they werent crappy cuz the guys were white. they were just people. as doyle wisely pointed out…   jeffrey damher was white. all white people arent cannibals.

    this guy is just a person… who happens to be black.   grow up.

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  9. I feel sorry for what

    I feel sorry for what happened to the young man. No on should ever have to go through something like that. I have used these apps to meet & greet and hook-up. I usually (85% of the time) hook-up when I am out of town. I am very careful when I meet people. We chat at least a week or so before we meet up. I minimize the last minute hook-ups. Everyone should be conscious of there own surroundings. I know it is easier said than done, but it is do able.

  10. I used to go to UCLA and the

    I used to go to UCLA and the gay guys there were pretty ignorant. I used to always warn my friends, "Make sure you meet the guy in a public area where others are around." Some guys took my advice while others were willing to meet up at the other person's place or "host"  without actually verifying if the person was, in fact, looking for an actual hook-up and not some socio/psycho-path. Thankfully, my friends were safe, but the encounters were not what they expected because the person wasn't exactly like the one advertised. Instead of thinking with your dicks, use your brains! This goes to any international traveler, regardless of the neighboring borders between countries like the U.S. and Canada. Again, use logic and reason before you go meet some guy who is "too good to be true."

  11. First of all, ANYONE who
    First of all, ANYONE who thinks this is racially motivated is blissfully (for them) ignorant of reality. The rest of us are forced to endure this type of elective stupidity. Second, why is this more newsworthy than the countless male on female assaults, rapes and abuses that happen every day? While I share more empathy and experience with this man than I care to admit, it illustrates the gap between the way men and women are portrayed in the media. I do hope that scumbag is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and the victim seeks treatment for any resulting pain. Still men are told to be careful and make smart choices, women are told what to wear, how to act and to trust no one or that it was all their fault for – fill in the blank-, and trans are told to hide. When will we stop treating the symptoms of a broken society and start treating the break?

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  14. The moral of this story is

    The moral of this story is don't invite ANYONE to a private room/home off the internet. Remember that man who murdered the "masseuse" he met on craigslist?  Race has nothing to do with it. You're in danger regardless of what the person you're meeting looks like.  There were a lot of attractive and charming serial killers. 

  15. I replied this to somebody

    I replied this to somebody else thinking it was one person but I scrolled down to see it was a plethora of damn people turning this into a topic of race. PSA people, You're kidding, right? The blood that runs through a black man's veins is not any different that the blood that runs through yours. The difference between privileged, majority, racist, ignorant pieces of scum like you and a black man is the level of opportunity available. Before you go on to possibly read the rest of this, I'm not defending the actions of these men, but rather attempting to enlighten you and similar minded people. I myself am extremely privileged to have attended a high school that ranks #3 in the state of California and ranks in the top 50 high schools in the USA. However, not everybody is afforded as amazing of an opportunity as I have been. A lot of people who are raised in the projects have no choice but to attend lower budget public schools, where expectations and standards are severely lowered (Los Angeles unified school district has suffered innumerable budget cuts from the government in the recent years). As a result many students are unable to graduate high school, let alone obtain the college degree you may have paid thousands of dollars for (who's tuition grows exponentially each year). Of those who are actually able to get into universities, a smaller number of students actually end up attending college because of the inability to pay the high tuition required, even WITH student loans (basically indentured servitude). Now forced to work a minimum wage job, you might be able to imagine why these people may do things like this to make extra money to provide for their families. Again, what these people did is extremely wrong and I am totally upset that someone would do this to another human being. But, profiling the black race as a group of uncivilized, savage group of criminals is no better than somebody profiling all Muslims as terrorists or a devout Christian man generalizing homosexuals as sick-minded, backwards fairies who prance around trying to convert innocent men. In fact, it's hypocritical. If you still don't understand, you should try watching "Boys n the Hood" by John Singleton and if you have any further questions or comments, find/message me on my fb "Matt Agnes Fung" or email me at Thanks if you actually read this lol

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  17. Take a look at London crime,

    Take a look at London crime, primarily generated by black men with there thug behavior, and look at the crime in Africa, even South Africa, again, generated primarily by the black men there. So, this is not just crime of black American men because they feel oppressed by slavery of the white man over 100 years ago, but universal behavior of the black man.

    Blacks will NEVER meet the level of a civil race, as they animal, jungle is in their blood.

    • You’re kidding, right? The

      You're kidding, right? The blood that runs through a black man's veins is not any different that the blood that runs through yours. The difference between privileged, majority, racist, ignorant pieces of scum like you and a black man is the level of opportunity available. Before you go on to possibly read the rest of this, I'm not defending the actions of these men, but rather attempting to enlighten you and similar minded people. I myself am extremely privileged to have attended a high school that ranks #3 in the state of California and ranks in the top 50 high schools in the USA. However, not everybody is afforded as amazing of an opportunity as I have been. A lot of people who are raised in the projects have no choice but to attend lower budget public schools, where expectations and standards are severely lowered (Los Angeles unified school district has suffered innumerable budget cuts from the government in the recent years). As a result many students are unable to graduate high school, let alone obtain the college degree you may have paid thousands of dollars for (who's tuition grows exponentially each year). Of those who are actually able to get into universities, a smaller number of students actually end up attending college because of the inability to pay the high tuition required, even WITH student loans (basically indentured servitude). Now forced to work a minimum wage job, you might be able to imagine why these people may do things like this to make extra money to provide for their families. Again, what these people did is extremely wrong and I am totally upset that someone would do this to another human being. But, profiling the black race as a group of uncivilized, savage group of criminals is no better than somebody profiling all Muslims as terrorists or a devout Christian man generalizing homosexuals as sick-minded, backwards fairies who prance around trying to convert innocent men. In fact, it's hypocritical. If you still don't understand, you should try watching "Boys n the Hood" by John Singleton and if you have any further questions or comments, find/message me on my fb "Matt Agnes Fung" or email me at Thanks if you actually read this lol

    • Wow! I can’t believe people
      Wow! I can’t believe people like you walk this earth. It’s no wonder society is so fucked up. If “jungle” as you called it is in their nature, then I can assume ignorance is in yours.

  18. The actual reason he is keep
    The actual reason he is keep his identity a secret is because he has a husband and a child and don’t want them finding out he was meeting an escort or grindr. And doesn’t want people to know he was paying for sex. Its a shame that he is lying on someone to save his own name.

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  20. I was raped when I was 17

    I was raped when I was 17 years old by an older man. I didn't talk about it for years because I thought it was MY fault. I know today that it's NEVER the victim's fault. Was he too trusting? Yes. That said, it's NOT HIS FAULT. Nobody asks to be raped. There is no excuse to rape anyone. Rapists are vile and cruel people who need to be locked up for life.

  21. Can we stop the racial
    Can we stop the racial profiling and name calling children? This story is about RAPE. Not your dillusions about who rapes more and what race is more thug than the rest. I’m ashamed of the gay community after reading the comments on this post. As a minority ourselves we know just how much profiling can affact our lives. This can happen to anyone. Doesn’t matter race, gender or age. The point is to get the message out that if you’re going to use these sites to be careful. Thats all. Jesus christ people grow up.

  22. Rape is bad, end of

    Rape is bad, end of discussion! A rapist can be any nationality,high class, low class, middle class DOESN"T MATTER! The important thing to remember is that no matter who you're with you should always be cautious. I'm a black male in my early 20s with a healthy social life as well as a healthy sex life. I go to bars/clubs/and other social events and I also use grindr,scruff,a4a etc.. and if I meet someone and I either bring them to my place or I go to theirs i'm smart about it and will let someone know where I am and who i'm with, but I can't foresee the future and just have to be prepared and analyze the situation.Though we don't know the detail of what happened in the dialouge of these two men before they met maybe the victim did take precautions, but sometimes people get played and this could happen to anyone at anytime throughout the day doing any mundane task.

    I don't wish this upon anyone and neither should you people who believe "he deserve what he got" because people are people and if they want to rob you or rape you then they'll do it no matter what their occupation or status is within our society.

      If your lifestyle doesn't consist of apps such as grindr, scruff, a4a, and etc..GREAT! BEAUTIFUL! I'm happy for you, but you shouldn't condemn another person's lifestyle by calling them trashy and filthy just because they use these apps, to each is their own. There's a wide range of an audience that these apps cater for: The business man too busy to have a social life, The all around shy guy, the sexually open couples, sexually open people who don't believe in relationships, I could go on and on with a list, but I feel like some of you are so caught up in your own ways that what you'll probably disregard anything that i'm saying and continue to focus on the fact there's a white man that has been assaulted by a black man and if this was in reverse it wouldn't have gotten nearly the amount of attention.  I've read some of the previous comments on that have already been posted and all this talk about this class system has just knocked us back a century. HELLO PEOPLE IT'S 2014!

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  24. This is truly tragic, but

    This is truly tragic, but should be used as an example of why those hook-up apps and websites are dangerous. You have to be extremely careful when meeting people for the 1st time. I agree that meeting in a public place is always the best move. 

    Not to those who are using this post to promote hate…please get a life. 

  25. Oh my goodness, why is this

    Oh my goodness, why is this becoming suck a deadbeat conversation about race.. Point of story is to demonstrate how dangerous apps like Grindr are, going out and meeting a complete stranger for  a fuck regardless of what they look like, after a few messages, isn't tasteful or safe. Sure he may have sought sex specifically with a black guy, but who was to say the person sending messages wasn't some creepy old fat white dude (and you all know how easy that is to fake on things like Grindr). Stop getting off topic and making this about anything other than educating other people, and yourself about apps like this. Wake up world..

    • Complain about a racial

      Complain about a racial discussion and in the same paragraph, mention a "creepy old fat white dude"? Look in the mirror, sir.

  26. What’s hilarious about all

    What's hilarious about all these racist comments is that historically, the majority of gay serial killers have been white men. It's horrific what happened to this man. Clearly he was not thinking clearly, or being safe. He still didn't deserve what happened to him though. The bad thing about Grindr, is that there is no way to identify anyone should something like this should happen. And that it's full of trolls, hustlers and straight guys looking for victims because of it. "Scruff" app actually makes you sign up with a valid email address in order to join, which could be tracked back to the user. Often, these apps and hookup sites have plenty of straight guys who are hustling and or looking for a victim. It's really important when using these things that you take the time to be safe. By the way, if he went to meet him at a hotel, how do they not know the attackers info? You can't check into a Hilton Hotel without Photo Identification. How have they not picked this guy up yet?

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  28. this story and the comment

    this story and the comment section has been a digusting and enlightening display of the crazy, racist world that is sadly the gay "lifestyle"  some of these post are just sickening….

  29. What did you expect to happen

    What did you expect to happen "Mr. anonymous victim?" You sought thug sex from a thug. You were either going to receive a disease, a beating, or worse. Of course you were "raped" and robbed.

  30. I cant believe any peraon is
    I cant believe any peraon is dumb enough to criticize black people on here….excuse me but I am WHITE and turning on news to see black trash? Wtf? There is way more white trash than black….there are more white people thus a higher percentage of shitty white trash like the ones talking recklessly above

      • The race rates in prison are

        The race rates in prison are because of institutional racism, not because any people of color deserve to be there more than their white counterparts. 

        I'm white and my boyfriend is black. I drive way more recklessly than him, and smoke weed while I drive. I've been pulled over/arrested NEVER. When he's driving, we get pulled over all the fucking time. For nothing. For brake lights that are absolutely fine. For running green lights. 

        If a group in power sees other groups any kind of way, then those people will be treated that way, whether they are or not. Your perceptions, in fact, are exactly the fucking problem. 


        • You’ve had too many black

          You've had too many black dicks up in your ass. No wonder you can't stand and think straight.

          • Too many? You’ve clearly had

            Too many? You've clearly had too few. Too busy trying to keep the dicks up you as lily white as possible. Don't worry. Your racist ass parents still hate you. 

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  32. Just goes to show, that even

    Just goes to show, that even the gay blacks are nothing but hood!! Look around this country, and it's ghettos, and what do you see?? The are over run with thugs just like this. He even looks the part of an uneducated, jungle bunny thug.

    • OMFG!!!!  and you are serious

      OMFG!!!!  and you are serious.  "jungle bunny thug"?  Blacks will always be what you believe them to be.  We are as diverse, perverse and but NEVER as racist and ignorant as you. GTFOH.  You are disgusting..

    • You’re kidding, right? The

      You're kidding, right? The blood that runs through a black man's veins is not any different that the blood that runs through yours. The difference between privileged, majority, racist, ignorant pieces of scum like you and a black man is the level of opportunity available. Before you go on to possibly read the rest of this, I'm not defending the actions of these men, but rather attempting to enlighten you and similar minded people. I myself am extremely privileged to have attended a high school that ranks #3 in the state of California and ranks in the top 50 high schools in the USA. However, not everybody is afforded as amazing of an opportunity as I have been. A lot of people who are raised in the projects have no choice but to attend lower budget public schools, where expectations and standards are severely lowered (Los Angeles unified school district has suffered innumerable budget cuts from the government in the recent years). As a result many students are unable to graduate high school, let alone obtain the college degree you may have paid thousands of dollars for (who's tuition grows exponentially each year). Of those who are actually able to get into universities, a smaller number of students actually end up attending college because of the inability to pay the high tuition required, even WITH student loans (basically indentured servitude). Now forced to work a minimum wage job, you might be able to imagine why these people may do things like this to make extra money to provide for their families. Again, what these people did is extremely wrong and I am totally upset that someone would do this to another human being. But, profiling the black race as a group of uncivilized, savage group of criminals is no better than somebody profiling all Muslims as terrorists or a devout Christian man generalizing homosexuals as sick-minded, backwards fairies who prance around trying to convert innocent men. In fact, it's hypocritical. If you still don't understand, you should try watching "Boys n the Hood" by John Singleton and if you have any further questions or comments, find/message me on my fb "Matt Agnes Fung" or email me at Thanks if you actually read this lol

  33. My take on this is find men
    My take on this is find men within & around your life, don’t create fires you may just may get burnt IF you not SMART. Know your grade!

  34. Why do people equate black

    Why do people equate black with "thug"? Although this guy did a disgusting thing, he doesn't look like a "thug"… Hes wearing a vest, a Cardigan and tight fitting pants!!!! LOL..Looks like every other Gay out there… C'mon people.. stop being so racially general.. Its getting real old and as a Black man it is damaging to always hear this. Not all black people are ghetto, thugs or any-other horrible adjective to describe an Urban dressed individual. How would you feel if people always called you WHITE TRASH.. everyday… well everyday i hear something about a blk guy being a thug, or nigger, or scum, or ghetto… its horrible to hear this all the time. I wish some white people or any other race would be in a blk guys shoes for a week… You guys will STOP all the ignorant talk if you did. 

    #stopthehate #loveyourselfandothers

    • Oh come off it already!! All

      Oh come off it already!! All you have to do is turn on the news each day to see that most blacks are sorry trash with no morals! We as whites are soooo sick of you all and your nonstop crime. Even the blacks that seem educated ALWAYS show the HOOD in themselves eventually. You just cant remove that jungle-hood from your DNA!


      • I honestly can’t believe this

        I honestly can't believe this is real life… Are there seriously people out there that still think this way? This is so disgustingly offensive! It doesn't matter if someone is black or white. You're obviously a giant piece of garbage, so who are you to judge? 




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  36. Not every blk man has a large

    Not every blk man has a large cock…..This entire situation was totally F*ked up. 

    The two lazy ass niggaz should go out and get a real F*king job and work honestly instead of robbing some white fag. This made the news only because the victim is white and the suspects of course are some lame ass Black American Males who do nothing but lay around smoking weed, playing video games, talking on cell phones trying to get sex from girls. Honestly this is all young Black American men do. No self respect or any kind of pride like Blacks in Europe or in Africa.

    If a nigga  robbed me like that and pressed his body onto mine all kinds of hell will break loose! Imma crazy ass person and will carry a grudge to my grave. TAKE NOTES: I will find a nigga and throw gasoline on that bitch and light his ass up like the damn electricity was cut off or something. Philly would be known as the city of brotherly hate. What gives these bitches the right to demand someone's shit? And these niggaz wonder why they can't get ahead…

    Lets leave race out of it for a minute…. this type of shit happens all the time with this anonymous hookup shit both gay and straight.  I advise all to only meet someone in public in a crowded area and leave your credit cards at home. Actually, don't even use your real car, your real name. Actually, wear a wig and a disguise and carry a weapon and this will even up everything in case your hookup turns out to be a thug. And ladies bite that niggaz cock off if he tries to force you. 

    • “im a crazy ass person” lol

      "im a crazy ass person" lol thats the tell tale of a pussy. ur talking all that raw raw shit like ur crazy but u ever robbed no1 b4? that was a sweet ass lick aside from the raping part. nasty ass come up. aside from your comment being horribly racist you sound retarded. not all black people criminals. its low class people. white black hispanic. but especially white people. fuckin krakas r stupid as fuck u cant trust a white person. they all lie. like u did. if u were in the same situation all hell would have broke loose in ur asshole fuckin idiot




    • what sad “white power bottom”

      what sad "white power bottom" you must be; which i'm certain you have been to one too many glory holes (which i'm sure you have sucked a "nigga" cock), male bondage, s&m, water sports, you know… white people shit! wake the fuck up fag, we are in the year 2014. you must've just watched '12 years a slave' smh.

  37. IMO we need better avenues

    IMO we need better avenues for meeting people. Internet dating in general is toxic, but for gays… all we have are our apps and gay bars and bars are certainly not the best place to find a date. My experience with online dating is everyone wants to flirt but nobody wants to actually meet. Not unless they are stuck in their hotel room bored on a layover and want someone to come keep them busy. 

  38. If we as a gay community

    If we as a gay community decide to use this and other apps to meet like minded individuals as I am sure that other such apps exist for other tastes including straight guys. That all should consider txt'in a good friend with the name of the person being met, a contact number and location where your meeting. Then txt to say you have left safely. It's common sense!!! 

    No one can justify this socking incident, but we can all do more to ensure our own safety. 

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  40. I bet they where straight men
    I bet they where straight men that raped him because that is a STRAIGHT MAN thing gay men don’t need to rape as we ges sex sec when we want it m..

  41. Omg that was a good read..

    Omg that was a good read.. All i can say is no1 deserves to be raped. And people that do it should be jailed. And you the man that was raped i no its hard living with the guilt after you just feel dirty. Youll get through it mate hang in there

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  43. This “victim”deserve what he

    This "victim"deserve what he got. You meet men of a site named Grindr, you get the treatment that you deserve. If gays would have some respect about themselves, then this sort of thing would be a lot less likely.

    He probably enjoyed this. Getting "raped" by a young thug, then "robbed" like a bitch.

    • shut the fuck up! no one

      shut the fuck up! no one deserves to get beaten up and robbed. that's why there are laws against robbery and battery..idiot

    • One would hope your

      One would hope your heterosexual stupidity would bless such a situation, only to prove how IGNORANT and stupid our social construct of your existence makes you out to be, One man was affected by this completely isolated incident. In regards to gays respecting himself at no point did the news say the " robber" was in fact a homosexual, therefore the allegations saying gay men don't respect themselves is false. an neither gay or straight no one deserves to be taken advantage of  in such a manner and clearly doesn't need your bigoted bullshit on top of it, GET A LIFE

    • your comment is simple NAIVE

      your comment is simple NAIVE & pls get yourself educated. it doesn't matter you are BLACK or WHITE / GAY or STRAIGHT !!!

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  45. I’ve hooked up through Grindr

    I've hooked up through Grindr but never with thugs… black or white. The guy took his chances because he wanted a big black thuggish cock, call a spade a spade. I live in Louisiana and you see this sort of thing with white guys seeking out horse-dicked black thug types then getting robbed and beaten all the time in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. I like black and white cock and love using a muscular ass… black or white. The black guys that want me are always horse-dicked verse or bottoms wanting a big white cock. (Mine)
    I won't give trash (white or black) the time of day.
    I've never had a bad experience through a hook-up app or site but I also took the time to weed out the meth heads, white trash and black thugs. No he did not deserve what happened but there is such a thing as common-sense and accepting culpability for stupid and risky behavior. I met my partner through Adam 4 Adam so these sites/apps may be primarily for sex but you never know if you'll meet a guy that you "click" with and fall in love with.

    • LGBT doesn’t mean liberal and

      LGBT doesn't mean liberal and it doesn't mean anything goes! Do not EVER lump high-class LGBT persons with these nasty slut trolls! The only thing internalized here is self-respect and self-control unlike filthy sex addicted size queen tramps! Stop giving our people a bad name with your gaping loose holed lifestyle choice! Have some dignity and close those legs!

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  47. Almost everyone plays the
    Almost everyone plays the hookup game… no matter who it is….gay, straight, bi, transgender, whatever you decide you are you are putting yourself at risk. Im not prejudice or anything but look at how ignorant some of the ‘thugs’ are. They are 9 times out of 10 looking for ways to make money whether they put themself or there family at risk. Also a ‘thug’ could be any race, not necessarily saying this individual is black. This is also not the game of who has a bigger penis. Just putting my own thoughts out there.

  48. Uh…well..I am Asian. But

    Uh…well..I am Asian. But didn't u hear about that other hook up site..f that older guy killing that younger boy?

  49. Why do gays resort to hooking
    Why do gays resort to hooking up on grindr its disgusting I tell my friends all the time go meet people in a public place dont just invite someone you dont know to your place or vice versa its sick. Im a gay male but I never used hookup sites to have sex. I keep fb I already. I don’t feel bad for this guy he should have been smarter. I hope he got tested after that smdh god only knows how many men that thug has done that too, scum.

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  51. Wow..Nick you are f_cked up.

    Wow..Nick you are f_cked up. No one deserves to have any of that done and for you to say that crap. Judgemental and a racist..Karma is a bitch

    • Stop using the old Karma

      Stop using the old Karma excuse. Actions have consequences. I don't ever hook-up because I have morals unlike you cheap, sex-addicted gay trolls. No one deserves anything negative but when you choose to do WRONG you will pay the price! Or are you a filthy HEDONIST who does anyone and anything. Get some morals, queenie!

      • When you’re right you’re

        When you're right you're right. Actions certainly do have their consequences. I've managed to make it through 48 years of my life without ever having to use Grindr or any other service to meet men in order to have sex.I think that people who use Grinder, what ever their proclivities are, don't think about the consequences of meeting strangers online and trusting them with their safety and well-being. I'm sad that this guy got abused. Perhaps he should feel grateful that he's alive. And maybe, just maybe, he will rethink his social life. As for the rest of the people that continue to use Grindr I say " Get a life and get to know someone before you have sex with them." Besides AIDS, there are other natural born killers waiting to take your money and life. Grindr helps them pray on your weakness. I, for one, am thankful I'm in a long term relationship.

        • Yes – because people who are

          Yes – because people who are in long term relationships NEVER have sex with anyone else. Check  your mans phone – see if he has an app on it for grindr…good luck. Oh and don't you dare tell me you and your "long term" partner have never (ever) had a 3 way?? 

          • Chad, stop attempting to

            Chad, stop attempting to justify your filthy lifestyle choice! Hooking-up is a choice! Being an emotionally detached size queen sex addicted troll slut is a lifestyle choice! You are clearly bitter because some of us have morals and do our best to stay out of dangerous situations. If he had been walking to the grocery store he would truly be an innocent victim!

          • oh Nick…you so desperately

            oh Nick…you so desperately need to get laid…after that you will see that all the anger and hate you have inside will magically disappear. please please please someone gets this prick laid! for the good of humanity!

          • Some people just live on a

            Some people just live on a completely alternate universe!! Ignorance is bliss I guess 🙂

          • Actually, I don’t concern

            Actually, I don't concern myself with what other people in long term relationships do. I just care about myself and my relationship to my partner. If you really need to justify your behavior by trying to put me down you're wasting your time. I'm not judging anyone I'm just cautioning against blind hookups. We have rich and full lives with our friends and families. And that doesn't include apps to make us feel good about ourselves. I really feel bad for you that you are so cynical. 

  52. When you invite a black thug

    When you invite a black thug from Philly to your hotel, what do you expect? Gay men need to have more self-respect than this. Totally avoidable. Stick with high-class white males and this trashy behavior will not occur! Oh, I bet he is a size queen and wanted that giant black penis. Your vile need just cost you.

      • Sweetie, label it whatever

        Sweetie, label it whatever you want. I call it truth! This wouldn't have happened if he met a high-class male with an average penis. A high-class black male with an average size would be acceptable BUT this is Philly–Not going to happen. His filthy size queen craving put him in this position. He must take some responsibility for being a cheap, hook-up slut!

        • Wow Nick,,if I had to choose

          Wow Nick,,if I had to choose between you and the criminal in this article,,be a tough choice,,both real douch bags. Lol 

    • Really?

      So "high-class white males" don't rape people?

      People (gay or straight) play the hookup game all the time… been this way even before site apps like Grinder. So you're saying that because someone wants no-strings-attached sex, they are at fault for being assaulted?

      • No. But you are putting

        No. But you are putting yourself at high risk for situations like this, when you're meeting up with a complete stranger!

        • The point being made here is

          The point being made here is that no body deserves to be raped. Someone should be able to do what they like that is within their rights to do without being assaulted. Brushing this off because he hooked up with a stranger is a disgusting thing to even think. A man was viciously attacked for doing nothing wrong and the full extent of the law should be laid down on the sick bastard/s who did this. Anyone who says other wise is just as bad as the sick people who do this sort of thing.

    • Uh..I am Asian. But didn’t

      Uh..I am Asian. But didn't you just hear about a younger white male getting killed by an older white male when they were trying to hook up from a site?

    • If “high-class white males”

      If "high-class white males" involves people like you I would rather have a lifetime of no sex and no relationships. You are a sick racist bitter man who clearly has been rejected so much that he spends all his time looking through stories like this just to make judgement because he couldn't do it. All sexualities do these sorts of things. It is not just a gay man thing. This comment makes me think your at least 80 and still believe things like women who show skin deserve to be raped because they are asking for it. Do the world a favour mate, and just die. The world doesn't need you or your kind. Sick racist and small minded dickhead!


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