Man Who Shot Gay Teen Gets 21 Years in Prison! Hurray!

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Justice is served.

A 25-year-old Missouri man was found guilty in the attempted murder of a gay 16-year-old in May 2019. His verdict comes with a prison sentence of 21 years and 10 months without the possibility of parole.


Shooter Lured Teen to Woods with Promise of Oral Sex • Instinct Magazine

On May 29, 2019 the assailant, identified as Malachi Robinson, and the victim, noted in court documents only as M.S., were both using the Kansas City Public Library. The two men became friendly after some time, but Malachi was eventually put off thinking M.S. was flirting with him. Instead of walking away, Malachi offered the teen money for oral sex and lured him to a wooded area across the street from the library.

According to NBC, as he and his victim strolled several hundred yards, he was texting his friends things like:

He tryna set me up on sumn now. Might shoot this boy if he try some gay shit.


Robinson then proceeded to shoot the teenager eight times with a 9-mm handgun. Bullet wounds were reported in his chest, right arm, right hand and butt. Robinson fled the scene and left the child for dead, but the gunshots drew a crowd and paramedics were able to make it to the scene on time. M.S. spent over two weeks in the hospital getting multiple surgeries to heal his wounds. Further physical therapy and counseling were also needed. 

He was apprehended months later after bragging to friends and family about the attempted murder. Police made the arrest in December 2019 when he was recognized by construction workers who remembered his wanted poster. Robinson was held in prison until is court hearing and sentencing and will remain there for the next 21 years. 




Knowing that his victim is gay and using that as a motive for murder for is a strict violation of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division tells NBC:

This defendant’s sentence holds him accountable for the violent and callous hate crime perpetrated against a defenseless teenager targeted because of their LGBTQ+ status. Recent FBI data makes clear that hate crimes targeting the LGBTQ+ community persist, and this sentence should send a strong message to the perpetrators of these crimes that they will be held accountable.

I’m happy that M.S. can find closure after this whole ordeal, and I hope that his healing process is still going well. 


Let this be a cautionary tale, especially in a world of hook up culture. Be wary of you meet anonymously, not everyone is always looking for a good time.

Source: NBC News 

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