Meet Giant Non-Binary Thembo, Gay Geek LukeBoogie

LukeBoogie is a Scottish non-binary streamer who has grown a significant fanbase a few years after they started streaming.

(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie

On their Twitch About Page, the hunky gaymer is described as:


“Giant Non-Binary Thembo, Dnd Enthusiast, Twitch streamer, Gay geek, Demisexual. Probably Scotland’s biggest Queer They/Them.”

LukeBoogie stands at a height of 6 feet and 5 inches, and they are 28 years old. They also shared that they “love playing games and making people laugh,” which they get to do while streaming.

In a 2021 interview with Gayming magazine, LukeBoogie shared that they started streaming after their friend encouraged them to try it out during the start of the pandemic. As for what games they prefer to stream, they said:

“I like to stream anything and everything. I’ve been through an indie phase, a horror phase, and I think I’m currently at the tail end of a just chatting phase. Every time I think I’ve pinned down what I like, I end up falling into something new! I’m too easily distracted, it’s like the shiny objects from the Resident Evil games where you go straight for that sparkle just to find out what it is, but everything is sparkling and I can only play one game at a time!”

(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie

LukeBoogie also shared that they “spent 21 years being a shy closeted kid,” and that coming out “was like a weight being lifted from my shoulders.” They also talked about the importance of representation, as well as being confident while wearing what you like and doing what you love, stating:

“I also think it’s important for someone like me to be loudly out and proud. I am a big. muscly, hairy, masc-presenting non binary person who wears makeup and fem clothing. When I was a kid, if I saw someone who looked how I do now, I would have been amazed.”

“I always wanted to grow up big and strong like my dad, but I also stomped about in my mum’s heels. I felt conflicted and hid away anything considered feminine as I grew up in a rough area, now however, I realize that I can have both! I can grow up big and strong but still look GORGEOUS with a full face on! Have you seen these legs in a skirt?! They don’t deserve to be stuck in some jeans!,” they further expressed.

(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie

Moreover, LukeBoogie opened up about how it feels to be an out and proud LGBTQ+ streamer, sharing:

“It has its pros and cons like anything. I love love LOVE being queer and being a part of the community and meeting so many cool, fun and interesting people from all walks of life and from all different cultures. But, we have a unifying experience that binds us and I think that’s a really important thing to celebrate.”

“It’s not so bad now but earlier on in streaming I used to get trolls every single day. As someone who suffers from ‘man face’, yet has this bright colorful makeup on, I will always attract attention. It got exhausting, but we pushed through, built a wonderful caring community and I’m really proud of all of us for looking out for each other,” the streamer stated.


And now that we’ve gotten to know LukeBoogie a bit better, let’s also take a moment to admire some of their thirst traps, shall we? 😉

(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie
(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie
(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie
(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie
(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie
(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie
(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie
(c) Instagram: @luke_boogie


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