Middle School Teacher Goes On Wild QAnon Rant To Class

(screen captures via CBS2)

A California middle school teacher was caught on video “teaching” her students wild conspiracy theories like hospitals are stealing babies from parents who aren’t vaccinated (not true) and that Hunter Biden was having sex with his own niece (not true).

The woman, an 8th grade history teacher, went on the unhinged political rant at Anacapa Middle School on October 18.


One of the students recorded the 7-minute screed because his mother, Sarah Silikula, told him if he was ever in a place he was uncomfortable, to pull out his phone and “start video taping it.”

(screen captures via CBS2)

Among the wild theories shared by the teacher, whose opinions seem to align with the far-right group QAnon, were:

• Alleged that President Biden’s son, Hunter, had a sexual relationship with his niece; was doing deals with Ukraine and China; and had child pornography on his laptop.


• Claiming that Donald Trump is still president.

• She shared her belief in ‘the Big Lie’ that election results in 2020 were rigged in “the states where audits were done.” At one point in the recording, a teaching assistant can reportedly be heard suggesting to the teacher she not discuss the election.

• The teacher also alleged that “If you have a baby in the hospital, they don’t want to give it back if you’re not vaccinated.” She then added, “This is a complete power control threat.”


Keep in mind the teacher’s job is to teach actual history. Why any of the above topics were addressed by an 8th grade history teacher is unfathomable.

Silikula says the troubling rant left her son shaken. She told the local news station CBS2 that he was very upset when he was picked up after school.

Her son has now become anti-vax telling his mom, “I’m never getting vaccinated,” before adding, “I’m never getting any more shots of any kind. Did you know Trump’s still president?”


Having bought the QAnon teacher’s blather, the son told his dad, “She’s right, Dad. You’re wrong.”

Silikula says her relationship with her son is now “damaged.”

‘He’s damaged, he’s hurt, he’s scared. He doesn’t trust his parents now,” Silikula said of her son. “He thinks we lied to him.”

Sarah Silikula speaks to CBS2 about her son’s middle school teacher delivering a wild political rant during class (screen capture via CBS2)

Her son hasn’t attended school since the incident, and is reportedly afraid of running into the teacher now.

Silikula reported the incident the day it happened, but according to the Daily Mail, the school’s principal asked the mother to not speak to anyone about the rant until the school could conduct an internal investigation. Silikula was told that would take about two weeks.

But two weeks later, the mother hadn’t heard anything so she went public with the recording. Following reports by several local news outlets, Silikula was contacted by the Ventura County assistant superintendent. 

During the call on Tuesday, November 2, she was told the teacher had been reassigned to a different part of the school and Silikula’s class had been moved to a different teacher. But when the mother asked for the assistant superintendent to put his assurances in writing, she didn’t hear back.


She also grew concerned once the story was made public that other parents of children in the class were not aware of the incident.

Although the school says it “doesn’t condone the discussion that took place,” CBS2 reports she is still employed by the school while accepting “responsibility for the error in judgement.”

(source: CBS2, Daily Mail)

5 thoughts on “Middle School Teacher Goes On Wild QAnon Rant To Class”

  1. This could do serious damage to the children. Being told facts by their parents and insane lies by the other person in his life whom he trusted explicitly, this batshit brainless Trumper could have him questioning everything including reality. Trump needs to go to jail SOON and everyone involved with the Q-Mess should be imprisoned or locked up in mental hospitals until the are deprogrammed from their cult of nonsense and should be on probation for the next 20 years.

  2. She has no business ‘teaching’ anything..she cannot be trusted with the responsibility of teaching nor protecting her students from harm,,she obviously has mental problems and who wants to leave there children in a mentally unstable persons care..the school should be held responsible for not adequately responding to this incident..and there going to obviously need sued as well they should be

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  4. Some of this story doesn’t make sense. If the kid is siding with the teacher, why is he now “afraid of running into” her? Also, why are his parents allowing him to indefinitely cut school?

    • He may likely fear repercussion from the teacher because she got in trouble. The teacher is well aware aware of which student captured the video of her conspiracy theorist rantings that resulted in her removal from the classroom. If she seeks retribution it may well start with that student


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