Netflix Launches Japan’s First Same-Sex Reality Romance Series

Netflix recently dropped the official teaser of Japan’s first same-sex reality dating show titled ‘The Boyfriend’, which features nine men who are set to find love.


A synopsis of the series via Variety reads:

“The show takes nine men to a beach house in order to find love. For a month, they live together and take turns working shifts at a coffee truck, forging deep friendships and learning about themselves along the way.”

The beach house is called the “Green Room”, and the show is hosted by an eclectic mix of personalities, including Megumi, Chiaki Horan, Thelma Aoyama, drag queen Durian Lollobrigida, and Yoshimi Tokui. According to executive producer Dai Ota,

“We started out wanting to highlight the young men’s friendships and personalities. Our focus wasn’t just on romance but also on spending time together and experiencing personal growth.”


Meanwhile, chief producer and director Keisuke Hishida stated:

“I discussed with the cast how growth and valuable experiences stem from shared friendships, youth and struggles, not just romance. This led to many unexpected miracles on set.”


“I’m so happy with how this series took shape. I listened to each participant with a goal to produce a show that left everyone feeling valued and loved,” producer and casting director Taiki also expressed.

Moreover, ‘The Boyfriend’, which consists of 10 episodes, is set to premiere on Netflix on July 9, and new episodes is scheduled to be released every Tuesday over the course of four weeks. In the meantime, you can watch the official teaser here:


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