New Jake Graf Short Film ‘HEADSPACE’ Brings Us Into A New And Uncomfortable World.

I often think I need to walk in front of male coworkers when going to or returning from meetings or up walking up stairs.  I feel they hold the door for me, not to be polite, but so they are behind me and not in front of them, erasing the possibility of a gay male walking behind them and checking them out.


My mind wanders like that about simple routine things.  I don't think I'm the only one or maybe I am.

My emotions pale in comparison to the subject matter in the short film below. 

Some everyday activities can be difficult if you're trans. 'Headspace', a short film by Jake Graf, reveals some of the challenges transgender people face during their daily lives in an attempt to promote acceptance and understanding.

I found my breathing slowed and my brain working overtime while watching this moving short.





Jake, you brought us into your world and the world of the other transgender performers in this film.  Truly amazing.


Instincters … what are your thoughts? 

For more on and from Jake Graf, seek him out at

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