New ‘Love is Blind’ Cast Mate Could Rock My Pod

Photo Credit: @izzyzapata_ on Instagram and Netflix

I’m a reality TV whore, so obviously I’m watching the newest season of Love is Blind on Netflix. I’m sure you’ve heard of this series already – where men and women are segregated and go on speed dates in ‘pods’ to see if they can form a connection based on personality alone. If they hit it off, they get engaged at the moment of meeting and see if their relationship can last four weeks until they get married. 

While getting to know the contestants, I instantly zeroed in on a potential suitor named Izzy Zapata. He’s tall. He’s got a bright smile. He’s got nice thighs. And generally, he seems like a great guy. 


But it was his confession in the pods that shocked me!

The 31-year-old insurance salesman divulged that women hate his bald head. Izzy even told a story where a date took his hat off, said “ew” and walked away from him just because of that. 

Well, we’re a big bunch of gays over here and bald men are sexy men! If he ever wanted to jump ship, I’m sure many of us would be happy to rub his big, bald head… and other things. 

Let’s take a look at Mr. Zapata below.


And remember, the first four episodes of Love is Blind season five are now available on Netflix!


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