New Zealand Residents Now Only Pay $1.20 A Month For PrEP

styles large public images blog posts Devin Randall 2018 02 07 pexels photo 360622

New Zealand has become the latest in a small group of countries that publicly funds PrEP and drastically lowers the price of the drug.


Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis is an HIV-prevention treatment made up of the drug called Truvada. If taken daily, PrEP can a reduce the risk of getting HIV by 90 percent or more.

While last year New Zealand announced the change in policy and distribution of the drug, we’re only starting to see that change come in.

“Providing affordable access to PrEP for those who need it will make an enormous difference to those most at risk of HIV transmission in New Zealand,’ said New Zealand AIDS Foundation’s (NZAF) executive director Dr Jason Myers.”

“It’s a giant leap forward for our ambitious goal of ending new HIV transmissions in New Zealand by 2025.”

“For those who struggle with consistent condom use – which can be for a range of legitimate reasons – NZAF is delighted that there will now be publicly funded access to this effective, alternative way of staying safe from HIV for those who need it.”

Now, a quarterly prescription of the drug will cause NZ$5 (about US$3.60). If you want to look at it monthly, that’s only US$1.20 a month.

This is a stark difference from the US$731 a month that it used to be for New Zealand residents. Most would have their prescriptions shipped to them in order to escape that huge price.

h/t: GayStarNews

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