Notre Dame Grads Walk Out As Mike Pence Begins Address


University of Notre Dame – the name itself brings to mind one of the great institutions of higher education in the United States


Mike Pence – a name that brings a little vomit into the mouths of most LGBTers.  Yes, not all of us.  We know 20% of you supported the Trump/Pence ticket. And that brings up a little more stomach acid, too.

Instead of quietly having convulsions in their chairs, approximately 150 individuals (students and family members) left the commencement ceremony at the University of Notre Dame, the nation's most prominent Catholic University. calls Pence "arguably the most anti-LGBT politician in modern history."

The University allowed the students to exit, so long as it was done quietly and peacefully.


And while the University of Notre Dame typically invites newly-inaugurated presidents to give the commencement speech during their first year, the Washington Post reported, thousands of students and faculty members signed a petition not to invite Donald Trump. The school chose Pence, Indiana’s former governor, to take his place.

“Even those who disagree with Mike Pence recognize him as a man of principle,” University of Notre Dame president Rev. John I. Jenkins said during Pence’s introduction, “…and I am proud to call him a friend.” –





Head over to the South Bend Tribune for another video angle and more coverage in its article: "Mike Pence tells Notre Dame grads to rely on 'integrity and values' as dozens stage walk-out"

What would you do? 

Would you have walked out?

Would you stand like the girl in the front row did?


Would you do more before the ceremony to make sure he wasn't even there?



1 thought on “Notre Dame Grads Walk Out As Mike Pence Begins Address”

  1. They should have all standed

    They should have all standed there to see the flag and doesn't say much to the graduates that stayed.. instead of doing the right thing..those that stayed will only care when it affects their lives ..and it will.


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