Nyle DiMarco Shows America What It’s Like To Dance In Silence.

What is it like to try and keep up with someone talented?  Can you do what they do under the same conditions?


It is clear that Nyle DiMarco is easy on the eyes, but he is as well proving he's light on his toes by kicking butt on Dancing With The Stars.  This week Nyle shows us ever so briefly what it is like to be dancing on in front of all these cameras in silence. 

Watch tonight's performance and see if it moved you as much as it moved us.





Here's another yet smaller clip of the end of the song with the moment of silence.



As hearing individuals, we will never know what it is like to live day to day in silence. 

Nyle, you keep amazing us and keep teaching us, please.

1 thought on “Nyle DiMarco Shows America What It’s Like To Dance In Silence.”

  1. Never Have I been So Moved by

    Never Have I been So Moved by Someone. I am Literally Sitting here Crying Right Now.


    Thank You Nyle for what you do!


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