Hunky out actor Luke Evans set the internet ablaze on Monday when he posted this Monday Motivation photo to his Instagram account, @thereallukeevans. The 42-year-old-actor, seen in a tank top at a gym in London, flexed for the camera showing off his huge, chiseled arms.
Evans, who has appeared in “The Hobbit” trilogy and “Clash of the Titans” is also very well-known for playing the role of Gaston in the 2017 Disney live action film alongside Emma Watson. He will again take on the same role, this time for a Disney+ prequel series The Little Town. Evans has been hard at work transforming his already muscular physique for the role, and luckily for us, he has been documenting his transformation.
Evans has been treating his fans to photo after photo documenting his progress. During the 8-month lockdown he worked out in his gym at home, and whatever he was doing seemed to work. Extremely well. This “before and after” photo highlighted his shredded six-pack.
The Disney+ series The Little Town will follow the brawny villian and his sidekick LeFou (played by Josh Gad) in the years before he meets Belle. To prepare for the role Evans hopes to be in peak shape. For that reason he has amped up and intensified his workouts.
It looks like Gaston is going to be ripped AF in The Little Town!
Evans will also be seen in the upcoming Hulu miniseries “Nine Perfect Strangers,” and the live action remake of “Pinocchio.” Hopefully the role he plays in those films will require the same amount of training! We leave you with a photo of Evans on a boat in a speedo. Just because. Have a great day, Instincters!
Sources: Men’s Health