Pornhub ‘Extremely Interested’ In Buying Tumblr

(image via Tumblr)
(image via Tumblr)

Online pornography giant Pornhub is “extremely interested” in buying the micro-blogging site Tumblr, reports Buzzfeed.

The blogging platform, which became a refuge for adult content, banned NSFW posts late last year after child pornography accidentally slipped through the site’s scanning software.


That led to Apple removing the app from its App Store.

Tumblr’s traffic has dropped an estimated 30 percent since the policy change.

But earlier this week, Verizon (which owns Tumblr) announced it was openly looking for a buyer for the blogging platform. 

Pornhub Vice President Corey Price told Buzzfeed via email that should the transaction take place, Pornhub would restore Tumblr’s NSFW content.


“Tumblr was a safe haven for those who wanted to explore and express their sexuality, adult entertainment aficionados included,” Price wrote to BuzzFeed. “We’ve long been dismayed that such measures were taken to eradicate erotic communities on the platform, leaving many individuals without an asylum through which they could comfortably peruse adult content.”

“There are obvious synergies between the two brands and value Pornhub could derive from Tumblr,” he added.

“We’re extremely interested in acquiring the platform and are very much looking forward to one day restoring it to its former glory with NSFW content.”

Back in December, as the nudity ban took effect, Pornhub was openly trying to woo former Tumblr users to its own platform.

(Source: Buzzfeed)

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