Blake Mitchell Laments The Pressures A Porn Career Has On Dating

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Helix Studios porn star Blake Mitchell wants you to know that, yes, it is possible to be lonely with over 200K followers on social media.


In a new video posted to his YouTube channel, Mitchell laments the pressures his career has on his personal life.

First of all, the handsome adult performer finds there are a lot of folks who may appear to have dating potential, but then it turns out his celebrity is what they’re after.

“I have had situations where I have been interested in someone, and we have been hanging out for a while, when they suddenly start asking me for a shout-out, or for me to promote this or that,” he shares.

And even if he finds someone genuine, his porn celebrity comes into play again when out and about on a date.


“I’ve been out to the bars before and people will say things to me that, because I am a sex worker, they think it is acceptable to say to a total stranger: complimenting my… size, or my body, making sexual remarks to me,” says Mitchell. “Besides making me uncomfortable, if I am with someone who I am interested in, this can be a little embarrassing.”

styles large public images blog posts Randy Slovacek 2018 07 14 blake swan 800

And then there's the fact a busy porn career involves lots of travel which can have an impact on relationships.


“My significant other has to sit at home while I make frequent trips across the country,” says the 20-year-old. “While they are left home alone, I am having sex with other people, sometimes several other people. 

“And on top of all that, it is all being filmed and uploaded to the internet, where they are very likely to see it. This has made it very hard to find someone who will put up with me filming porn, let alone be happy and supportive about it.”

All that said, Mitchell makes it clear he has no intention of giving up a career he’s passionate about and enjoys. He sums up his thoughts by thanking his fans for their support and positivity.

“I appreciate and am deeply grateful to be in the position that I am, to have so many of you want to follow along and engage in my personal journey. But that doesn’t change the fact that all of that support and positivity, it’s all confined to my cell phone, to a 3×6” piece of plastic, metal, and glass. When I’m laying in bed at night, and I turn my phone off to get ready for bed, I’m alone. At that point, it doesn’t matter if I have 1 million or 100 subscribes, when I turn my phone off for the night, I have none.”


Watch the handsome Mr. Mitchell explain below.



What do you think, readers? Would you find dating a handsome porn star challenging? Or would you enjoy the fact that they're hot, fun and know what they're doing?

40 thoughts on “Blake Mitchell Laments The Pressures A Porn Career Has On Dating”

  1. Being lonely and being alone

    Being lonely and being alone are two completely different things.  One is a state of mind and the other is physical.  You can be totally alone but not be lonely; you can be totally lonely but not be alone.  Kind of like your profession, I'm sure…in this sense, you can have sex but not be in love but you can love and not have sex.  This is not a gay problem nor is it a profession problem, it is a spiritual problem.  God loves you with no conditions and fon't listen to NO MAN that judges you…they are not in a position to do so and they are only passing judgement on themselves for casting the stone in the first place!

  2. oh my god, i know this

    oh my god, i know this feeling all to well. Yes i have dated and escort to i totally know how it feels, i loved it. It gave me confidence knowing i was with someone that people desire. 

    just wanted to let you know,  

    ps. where do you live. i am in canada would you visit?

  3. The age requirement for porn

    The age requirement for porn should be 21- EVERYBODY makes stupid mistakes at 18 that shouldn't haunt them the rest of their lives.

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  5. There a lot of snarky

    There a lot of snarky comments here and that is unfortunate.  Whatever we do in life is part of who we are and negative comments are not welcome.  When I was your age I wasn't out and I guess it was a good thing for a potential boy friend. Beginning right after high school, I wes on a Forest Service Hotshot crew (elite forest fire fighters).  During fire season I was mostly gone and I could have been anywhere.  Additionally, the job was very dangerous.  During fire season I wouldn't see my boy friend at all. lt would be a difficult but we need to soldier through it and allow our love to grow.

    I haven't addressed the sex worker thing because it's not a big deal for me.  A relationship isn't all about dick.  In my case, meds lower libido an destroy my ability to get hard.  I expect to be loved and made love to by my partner and I know there is a difference between making love and just fucking.

    You would think as an Independent Catholic Bishop I would come down on the porn thing with both feet.  No, I support that career,. The important thing is to find someone you can really make love with.

  6. Can we just get this out of

    Can we just get this out of the way now?! The word "PornSTAR" These guys are not stars!! They are not celebrities!! They are guys who get paid to have sex. So a hooker. A dime a dozen. Every day there are 3 or 4 new ones being introduced. So they aren't doing anything like working to clean the oceans or helping in Puerto Rico etc. Those are the real stars!! How do you automatically get labeled "Porn Star" before your first scene even gets released.       And don't get me started on Gay Porn Star POWER COUPLE! Fuckin' Zenu in a volcano.

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  8. Wha, wha, wha, only you can

    Wha, wha, wha, only you can change your life. You can't have your 15 dicks a month and keep one at home too. This is pathetic!! I am sure there is a guy out there that can deal with your profession, but sometimes it takes a gay guy who works at Target years to get a BF. Don't blame your decision to be a porn whore. Face it you get paid to have sex, hence whore. I wouldn't date a whore. It's bad enough gay men cheat anyway.

  9. I’m 100% sure that he is only

    I'm 100% sure that he is only dating one type of guy: guys that look exactly like him. Maybe if he diversified it up a little he wouldn't be so pathetic. 

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  11. Blake – just an idea from an

    Blake – just an idea from an old gay guy. I think you should look for an older, mature man, who understands that your job is only a job. If you can find that man who only wants you to love him and he wants to love you back. If I was dating u, I would travel with you, but never go on set. I would want to feel your love when you returned to the hotel, and jokingly say, How was your day dear. A hug, a kiss. And a cuddle. I would understand there wouldn’t be sex, after a day of work. The tugs would be found in both hearts, and not in both dicks. In a way, you should live a “heterosexual “ life where sex is number 1, but is way done the list after love, best friends, trust, respect, to share a life, not a bed. Best of luck! 

  12. Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch. Poor

    Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch. Poor little entitled pretty boy. We ALL have to make compromises. We ALL have to make trade-offs. NO ONE gets everything they want, all the time, from everyone they want. 

    You'll find SOME guys you like who are more than comfortable with your career. Stop bitching about the ones who aren't. 

    If you work for the Trump administration publicly defending their heinous policies, yeah, you're gonna have a hard time dining out anywhere other than Chick-fil-A without people calling you out.

    If you're in a Broadway show and you exit from the stage door in the hour after showtime, you're GONNA have fans begging for your autograph screaming at your outside. 

    And if you're a gay porn star, yeah, you're GONNA have a hard time going to a gay bar/club without people telling you how much they enjoy the work you choose to do! 

    From the hours we work, to our public profile, to how much we make or what else we're free to do, we ALL accept trade-offs in doing something we love. Stop acting like you're special or unique in this. You're not even special or unique in this IN PORN. It's part of being a grown-ass adult, even a sexy one who does hot twink porn. 

  13. If I was his boyfriend and 

    If I was his boyfriend and  knew his heart belonged to me. It would make no difference to me that he was having sex with others as long as he did not bring and std's home.

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  15. I think if I were him it

    I think if I were him it would be quite difficult. Just because of what he does he out in public and people are talking about inappropriate things questions gestures etc. I definitely think it could be very lonely yes like he said he has millions of followers sure but what about when he goes home it’s empty no one to hold and call his own boyfriend. One who wants him for him not because  hes a porn star. I know the feeling all too well. Besides the pornstar part but the point is just because hes he has a millon followers doesnt mean they are not lonely

  16. Blake,thank you for choosing

    Blake,thank you for choosing to be an adult film star. I for one appreciate you and everyone who has chosen this form of art.noone deserves to be treated like a sub human or with disrespect especially our film starts and yes sex workers as well.we are all brothers and sisters on this planet.thank you again for your work of art.


    • “Thank you for you work of

      "Thank you for your work of art." This is the ultimate insult to true artists. One of the most moronic comments in recent memory, but hey you are entitled to your feelings.


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  18. Ok I have been through

    Ok I have been through exactly what your going through. It’s hard. I have a job I can’t even talk about to anyone. It causes issues when I date. I can’t really say anything because it’s top secret information. I have no issue with be in a one sided open relationship. The reason being is at the end of the day who do you love. Who will you be coming home too when your done shooting. 




  20. I don’t feel sad, or sorry,

    I don't feel sad, or sorry, for him. He's a paid whore that gets trested as such in public. Boo-Hoo. He can't get dates, because most sane guys don't want their partner being a paid whore, fucking or getting fucked by other guys, on camera yet. Boo-Hoo.

    • U R the wrost type dik head

      U R the wrost type dik head  people do what they like  it’s just a performance just like tv n movies.   I would luv him withOUT condition. Guess u have conditional luv like MOST people. U SUK

      • Of course I have conditions.

        Of course I have conditions. I wouldn't ever lower my self worth or self esteem or my standards by being in a relationship where my partner is essentially a hooker, being paid for sex on camera. He's having sex on video, yet is surprised and butthurt when guys make comments to him about his dick IRL? What, they should instead comment on the jockstrap he had on for three seconds at the start of his scene? He wants respect and respectability get a real respectable job and stop shooting your load on camera.

      • The only thing you know about

        The only thing you know about him is what he looks like, and you would love him without condition?

        Either you’re just thirsty as hell, or have ridiculously low self esteem, in either case I suggest you see a therapist 

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  22. Isn’t he in a relationship

    Isn't he in a relationship with a girl who, a couple of months ago, suffered a miscarriage?

    • EXACTLY.  I’m always suspect

      EXACTLY.  I'm always suspect of people who are considered hot but have trouble finding the "Right guy."  I bet either his standards are too high, he’s selfish (as in recognizing the problem and not doing anything about it) OR he’s f*cking nuts.


      It may be a combo platter here.

  23. I’m a pig: I was listening to

    I'm a pig: I was listening to him but my eyes kept drifting to his male cameltoe

    And wondering what dat ass looks like. 



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  25. There are lots of homosexual

    There are lots of homosexual guys around the world who have never had a boyfriend or sex so his situation is nothing to feel sad for.

  26. Blake .you keep doing what

    Blake .you keep doing what makes you happy .love will come .I'm sure your a very sweet young man if I were 30 years younger I would date you in a heart beat .and have no hang ups. About what you do

    • “Love will come.” Well it

      "Love will come." Well it didn't come to you and it hasn't, has it?  If love hasn't been found by most gay men with a decent career — for some, their entire life has been single, why would it come to an adult film actor? 

  27. I’m lonely and I dont have a

    I'm lonely and I dont have a porn star career….

    It is a depressing thing to be a gay man sometimes. 


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