Pro-Hillary Ad From HRC Aims To Get The Gay Vote

The Hillary Clinton Campaign has dropped a new 30 second advert for her fight to be the next President of The United States.  Too little too late or right on time, task, and target?


Her record in regard to LGBT rights has been argued by many to be one that has changed quite a bit since day one.  Some say her opinions change in order for her to get the vote, while others realize that her opinions, like those of other Americans have changed over time, too. 

Watch the video below and see what you think.

Hillary Clinton: Equality is About Changing Hearts and Minds




In addition to her long record as a champion for LGBTQ rights both in the U.S. and around the globe, Hillary Clinton has proposed the most robust pro-LGBTQ equality agenda of any presidential candidate in history. She has called the Equality Act her “highest priority,” and her detailed LGBTQ policy platform specifically calls for outlawing dangerous “conversion therapy” for minors, ending the epidemic of transgender violence, and supporting HIV prevention and affordable treatment, among other proposals that would advance equality and support the LGBTQ community. –

What do you think Instincters?

Does she gain the LGBT vote?

Has she always had your vote or has she never had your support based on her LGBT record?


Is this new ad a way to try and solidify her 80% of LGBT voters she supposedly already has for her presidency?


One thing to note, no candidate paid for this commercial, but instead the funds came from the Human Rights Campaign Equality Votes group and not her campaign.





3 thoughts on “Pro-Hillary Ad From HRC Aims To Get The Gay Vote”

  1. Donald, Pence and the 2016

    Donald, Pence and the 2016 Republican platform publicly state that they are against marriage equality and are proposing laws to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

    Brian, Thanks for making the point that as a President nominee, Hillary Clinton, is publicly in support of marriage equality and is for protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination.

    In hindsight, Hillary has acknowledged Bill's mistakes of enacting DADT and DOMA. Since then, Hillary has gotten to know friends and family that are gay and understands our struggles and concerns. Her public and private position are the same. Hillary supports of LGBTQ rights. 

    The candidates positions are clearly different. Donald Pence are publicly against the LGBTQ rights and Clinton Kaine are for LGBTQ rights <period>

  2. Clinton has been documented

    Clinton has been documented to say during her closed door speeches to her donors that she has both a "public and a private" stance on issues. She is against marriage equality privately, but endorses it public ally because she knows it is what is currently popular. She was against marriage equality until 2013, her and her husband were very vocal about it. The clintons signed into law DADT and were in favor of DOMA.

    She will say anything to get elected, but her record shows she has no loyalty to the LBGT demographic

    • Donald, Pence and the 2016

      Donald, Pence and the 2016 Republican platform publicly state that they are against marriage equality and are proposing laws to discriminate against LGBTQ people.;

      Thanks for making the point that as a President nominee, Hillary Clinton, is publicly in support of marriage equality and is for protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination.

      In hindsight, Hillary has acknowledged Bill's the mistakes of enacting DADT and DOMA. Since then, Hillary has gotten to know friends and family that are gay and understands our struggles and concerns. Her public and private position are the same. Hillary supports of LGBTQ rights. 

      The canidates positions are clearly diffrent. Donald Pence are publicly against the LGBTQ rights and Clinton Kaine are for LGBTQ rights <period>


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