Rainbow Doritos Causing A Stir With The Narrow Minds.

In late June, many of us cheered when business and corporations changed their Facebook profile pictures to support the new SCOTUS Marriage Equality ruling.  Friends and family members jumped on the bandwagon and our news feeds were rainbow-fied to the hilt. 


Now it's late September, 3 months have passed and there are still a couple of friends that have their rainbow-fied profile pic for all to see.  Bravo for keeping it flying.  In looking back at the businesses, did many of their new colorful postings last more than three days? 

We'd like to tip our hats to Doritos / Frito Lays for showing their support for us back then and now.  They've taken the next step and jumped off of simple social media and onto our supermarket shelves. 


And how popular is their campaign?  Apparently they're completely sold out.  The $10 a pop did not falter sales one bit.  But how do you know you made it? The narrow minds start talking and pointing the finger.  To learn more about the campaign and the haters, here's some of  The Rolling Stones report entitled "'Gay' Doritos Prompt Freak-Out"

Specifically, homophobic bigots are freaking out about Doritos this week, upon the news that the popular cheesy chip-maker is releasing a special rainbow-colored bag in partnership with the It Gets Better Project, a non-profit established by sex advice columnist Dan Savage to combat mental illness and suicide in LGBT youth. Conservative media is not interested in your talk of preventing youth suicide, it seems. That bag looks queer, dammit, and they will not have it.

Here are some of the more over-the-top responses.

Cheese dust will turn you kids gay
"Doritos are a product marketed to children, so they make the perfect gateway snack to introduce children to the joys of homosexuality," writes Ed Straker of the ironically named American Thinker website. "What business does PepsiCo have pushing homosexuality on our kids?"

Unable to muster an intelligent argument for why Doritos shouldn't fundraise to stop youth suicide, many conservative pundits just tried grossing you out instead. "It gets ickier: Doritos teams up with door-licking nutball Dan Savage," Michelle Malkin primly tweeted, referencing a comedy article that Savage wrote 15 years ago in which he joked about how he wished he could give anti-gay Gary Bauer the flu. (Needless to say, the common theme in anti-Savage diatribes is a complete lack of humor on the part of conservatives.)

Conservatives have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #BoycottDoritos, so everyone can pretend for a day they're actually doing something before moving onto the next shiny outrage fodder. But for now, it's certainly a cavalcade of charming people. "What's next, rainbow Cheerios? Maybe the Doritos fag bags come with a toy dildo?" writes one thoughtful gentleman.

"I'm sick of the liberal left shoving godlessness and immorality down our throats," tweets another. – therollingstone.com

Keep up the good work Doritos / Frito Lays.  If you have people like this hating you, you're doing a good thing. 

3 thoughts on “Rainbow Doritos Causing A Stir With The Narrow Minds.”

  1. Cheese dust will turn you

    Cheese dust will turn you kids gay
    "Doritos are a product marketed to children, so they make the perfect gateway snack to introduce children to the joys of homosexuality," writes Ed Straker of the ironically named American Thinker website. "What business does PepsiCo have pushing homosexuality on our kids?"

    …Yes and holding a buttercup flower under your chin can tell if you like butter  ! What a crock !


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