Rainbow Nooses Cause A Stir On A Southern Campus



It is unclear who was responsible for hanging 6 nooses up on the Austin Peay State University campus in Clarksville, Tennessee, but the outrage was immediate.  Local NewsChannel 5 was quick to cover the breaking story and authorities were called in, even the F.B.I.  Here is the channel's broadcast.


The campus responded quickly as well with their statement concluding …




Oh wait, it was an art project.  Never mind.  Nothing to see here.  Here is NewsChannel 5's recap of the story with the new information.



Was this really a dense student completing an art project? Are our children that vacant that they do not comprehend what a noose and rainbow colors may symbolize? Well, yes, the student did know that the nooses represented death. 

School officials released the student's full statement, read during a meeting Tuesday about the incident. Their identity was not released. 

"My intention with my sculpture project was to address the cycle of death and rebirth that is represented by the arrival of spring. I had no social or political statements in mind. I did not take into consideration that nooses are a racially charged symbol, for that I am sorry. I can not apologize enough for the pain that my art work has caused, it was certainly not my intention. I am thankful that APSU Campus Police removed the art work when it was clear that it was causing so much pain." – newschannel5.com

We hope that it was all a misunderstanding and applaud APSU school officials and the F.B.I for their prompt investigation.


What are your thoughts? 

Do you think this was an art project gone awry?  A student at a college in the south made this kind of mistake?

Or do you think the school trying to sweep something under the rug?


3 thoughts on “Rainbow Nooses Cause A Stir On A Southern Campus”

  1. This student is lying. I can

    This student is lying. I can't believe anyone did that as a mistake. The student should be reprimanded. I'd expel them.  

  2. This is not an art project

    This is not an art project gone bad. If the unidentified artist claimed that the anti-equality laws of the south were killing the LGBTQ community, I might believe it, but it was either a bad joke or more seriously, a dangerous threat.


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