Rape Survivor Tells His Story and the Aftermath Of Seeing His Perpetrators Go Free

Rape. Sexual Violence. It’s an issue. One that is gaining more awareness in the public eye, but still not enough to always see justice done.

Case in point, Brock Turner was released three months after his six month sentence. There were witnesses, but even that was not enough to see justice done.

Even less talked about and with even fewer conviction is sexual violence against men. For many reasons it is over looked, people don’t believe, and it carries the same stigma of victim blaming. Reports are varied as even when anonymous many people don’t report incidents, but it is estimated 1 in 6 men are the victim of sexual abuse.


Recently, Sam Thompson, shared his experience with The Independent.  Sam had recently moved to London to start a career as a DJ. One night while out on the town, he got separated from his friends without a phone. He found another group of people that invited him over for a nightcap. It happened to be a hotel room and before Sam new it, it was him and just two other guys. They took advantage of him. He believed he was a drugged.


Walking home the next morning he crossed the river by his flat and remembers thinking:

I don't want to live with this, I don't know what to do. If it wasn't for the thought of the devastation for my family and friends, I would have jumped off that bridge.


He did report the incident and at first received little help. Asking obscure questions with little relevance to the incident. One officer finally did put more time into his case and an arrest did happen. However, they weren’t able to keep the perpetrators and they were soon released. Sadly, this is the story over and over again. Since then Sam, has partnered with Survivors Manchester that helps men who are survivors of sexual abuse.




Do to nature of the topic it makes sense not a lot of people would want to open up. As we have seen from the media, a lot of times the victims are not treated right. Thankfully there are organizations out there that are working to make a difference and change the conversation around the topic.




A few Organizations that are making a difference are




A full list of resources can be found here

We all have our own demons, but that should never stop us from helping others. Let those around you know you are there for them. Let’s help move the conversation forward and reduce the amount of rape and sexual violence. 

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